good news for me the dvd's were found


my friend found my dvd's in the custom in NEW JERSY
i don't want to know what it did there now they on their way to me and the new ones also. on Friday it will be my birthday i don't expect to get them by then but in a week or 2 it will be a great birthday present

Hi Sharona

Glad you found the DVD's Mine are coming with my cousin who arrives on the 29th. Can't wait.

Happy birthday

Lesly :))
Hi Sharona,

I am so excited that your DVD's were found! Mine were lost and they have not found them. I live in Michigan and they have never showed up.

I have to wait until the tracer has expired which is approximately 3 more days. At that point, SNM will ship another package. Hope that one doesn't get lost either!!!

Hooray for you!!


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