Has anyone done any good kettlebell workout DVD's? Good instructors?
Ok, I'm going to throw out one that is probably controversial, but I had fun with it and really felt it for days afterward: Angie Miller. People complain about her form, but if you've worked with a trainer or have good form, you can just see what she's doing and not watch her for form. She also does some unconventional things on swings sometimes -- hamstring curls and leg raises to the side. I do not do those -- that seems a little injury-prone, but other than that, it's a well-rounded workout that hits you everywhere and really moves. As a bonus, I think netflix may have it so you can try before you buy......
Oh yeah, I got an Angie Miller one too...didn't know about the form issues, but I liked the preview I watched much better than some of the others. Guess I'll watch Lauren Brooks for form and then try Angie. The Firm kettlebell workout looks good, too--anyone try it? I'd also like to try Amy's Kettlebell dynamics but I'd better wait for next payday.
I had one of their workouts and hated it.Anyone familiar with;
It looks interesting.
I had one of their workouts and hated it.
No audio instruction during the workout itself, just music, and you have to pay atttention to see when they change exercises, because they do it quickly and don't even annonce that.
IIRC, it was also a DVD-R (but I don't recall).