Good Eating Mon June 12


Well, I didn't do so bad being away this weekend. I ate alot, but not much junk - well, until I got home yesterday! I resisted the campfire s'mores! DH had some friends over for poker and that means lots of snacks. Of course, when I see them , I have to eat them. So, I had far too many Doritoes and some cashews. Pizza for dinner, completed the fiasco. So, It seems like I should have stayed away from home! I hope to get back on track this week.

Maeghan, how did you do with your shopping? I saw your other thread looking for ideas. I too have essentially 2 shopping lists. Me vs the family. The kids have to have their snacks and white bread(although I'm trying to convert)

Phyllis, I didn't get to the store yet, but hope to in a few hours!! Depends on when I can get Connor in to see the doc.
Atleast for now, the kids are small enough that they don't know the difference of good and bad snack, so I will use that to my advantage!! They do have some favorites, but they really aren't chocolate like, so I can resist!! I don't buy many cookies because I love them!! They love friut and veggies so that is helpful.
But, hubby on the other hand. It will take some time!!
I will let you know how it went.
This weekend was filled with crap!! Pizza hut, ice cream, and Wendy's!! I did gain .4 pounds, but I can deal with that I guess. I am back with it today though! I really want to look good in my shorts and actually wear tank tops for the first time instead of hiding my shoulders and arms!!!! That is if it ever warms up enough around here!!!!!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
Don't you want to just cry when you are doing soooo good and then something places itself in your way and it all goes to.......
I did better than usual this past weekend, there wasn't much in the goody dept around the house. Today there is an ice-cream social for the last day of school. I will be able to say no to that. I like to eat by myself so no one can see me.
I would love to join the rock bottoms but the whole Very clean eating just throws me off!
I know how that feels, it seems like the rest of the family is purposefully tempting you with bad stuff!

Yesterday was actually pretty good. My egg white omelette for breakfast, large salad for lunch, grilled shrimp for dinner. Fresh grapes and cherries for a snack. Then DH decided last night that we should go to the local ice cream shop. We have TWO within walking distance. When we got there, I looked at the flavors (and they have a LOT) and decided I didn't feel like ice cream, so I didn't have any. :7

Today is a work day, I'm usually good at work, it's when I get home that's rough. We'll see.

Hang in there, Phyllis. Today is a new day!
Nice going Gymom! What willpower! I don't think I could have turned away from ice cream.

Tallchick, don't let the clean thing stop you from doing the rotation. I don't eat all that clean, but I do eat healthy. C'mon join us in Rock Bottom!


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