Going on a cruise!


We leave Sat for a 7 day cruise! Mostly I can't wait but I'm dreading coming back with the extra pounds from all the food. My husband and I intend to workout every day plus our shore excursions are all active (moutnain biking, kayaking etc). Anybody have any tips for me on how to minimize the poundage gained without denying myself the pleasure of the food? I figure we can split the desserts in the evening but other than that?
My advice - don't worry about it! We went to Jamaica for our wedding/honeymoon and I ate & ate & ate some more (never have I had such fabulous food!) and I actually lost weight. We only used the weight room 1 day so I attribute the weight loss to all the activities - snorkeling, swimming etc. With mountain biking & kayaking you'll burn plenty of calories so just eat, drink and be merry and enjoy your trip. Maybe some dancing after dinner will ease your conscience! Have fun! :)

We're going to Cozamel this summer to an all-inclusive resort and I've been kind of worrying about the food thing too. But hopefully you (and I too) will stay so busy we'll work off the extra calories.

Have a great time!

Have a great time! I'm going on a 5-day in June (currently trying to whip this body into shape)

It is possible to gain little to no weight and still have a
great time on a cruise. Take it from me. I gain weight easily
but on my last cruise in December I didn't gain an ounce.

I did what you're planning, I made full use of the gym, steam, sauna and aerobics classes and had active excursions.
Additionally, I went dancing every night (don't know if you and your hubby are party-types), I ate only my absolute favorites instead of everything that looked good (everything looks delicious) and I stopped eating before I was stuffed instead of trying to clean my plate because it was "paid for". I took the stairs a lot to the "Lido" deck instead of waiting around for the elevator and I tried not to overindulge in cocktails and stuck to my absolute favorites. The only extra pounds I came home with were from my shopping sprees!

Have a wonderful cruise

Feel free to ignore me if I'm being too nosy but I'm curious about your trip to Cozumel.

My boyfriend took me for my birthday last summer and we had a FABULOUS time! We stayed at a resort called the Cozumelena (sp?)

It was all inclusive so I thought it may be the same place...just wondering!

Take care,
Mikie, Yes! that's where we're going. Some friends of ours went last summer and they had a blast. I've never been out of the country before and am really looking forward to it.

I do plan to NOT deprive myself...it's just a few days and after all I want to get my money's worth ;-).

Let me know if you have any special tips for me.

Thanks for the responses everyone. I pretty much intend to mildly indulge but I have severe problem with food and guilt and weight issues so I'm anticipating some problems from that. Started packing today! It lookslike it actually might happen! This is the fifth cruise we've booked and paid for (had to cancel all the others due to husband's job as intel officer in the Air Force.) Last cruise was planned for a week after Sept 11...needless to say we didnt go that time.

I don't know if you'll see this before your cruise, but do NOT worry! I ate out for every meal for a week in the Bahamas and did not one minute of exercise. I was afraid I'd come back huge, but had no problems at all. Your body needs a break - Cathe even says so herself!! If you weren't working out on your trip (you said you were though), you may even have more fitness gains when you come back.

Have fun!
I am so excited for you, Susan!

I also feel like I'm talking to the mirror (first time out of the country, refuse to deprive myself on vacation, HAVE to get my $$ worth!)

The main advice I can give you about the resort is to request the "new" side. One side of the resort has been renovated and we weren't on it. Don't get me wrong, it was still beautiful but when we compared notes with a few other guests, we realized it was probably worth the little bit extra to be on the renovated side.

The breakfasts are incredible! Also, dinner in the "fine dining restaurant" (included) was a nice alternative to the buffets.

A note on snorkeling: we had a lot of fun on the snorkeling trip offered from the resort. My advice: drink LOTS of (bottled) water. I think the combination of margaritas and floating in salt water all day did me in for a good dose of dehydration.

Wow, just talking about it is getting me all excited again! You are in for a great trip. The water is perfect and the staff at the resort couldn't be better.

Have so much fun and live it up!

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