Goin' Nuts!!!


I just needed to vent a wee bit. I've been out of commission for the last 4 weeks since having back surgery and not working out is making me bonkers!!!! For the first couple of weeks I felt too crappy to care really, but since feeling better it's been soooo hard not to work out. It's such a part of what makes me, me. Anyway, I'm an instructor and I teach my first class tomorrow since the surgery. It'll be nice to be back in the swing of things again. So, I needed that little vent and I knew you guys would understand. I've never posted here before but y'all are always so sweet to everyone who posts. Thanks for letting me vent.
Glad that you are feeling better and able to teach again. I know that when I miss a workout it really bums me out. Just don't overdo it on your first day back in the "swing of things". I will pray that it all goes well.:)
Hi, Texasmom;

I can relate. I had back surgery 14 months ago and I wasn't allowed to do anything but walk for six weeks. After that I was allowed to add in different things very slowly and now, although I have sciatic nerve damage and pain that makes impact rather daunting at times, I am feeling so much stronger. I hated being laid up but I got into birdwatching while stuck in bed and that has been a fun new part of my life.

A friend who knew how hard it was for me to be "idle" told me not to think of it as doing nothing, but to think of healing as an active process that required a lot of concentration and effort. What kind of surgery did you have? It sounds like you're making a terrific recovery. After four weeks I couldn't even sit up yet. I could either walk or lie down. Good luck with your class. I know when I went back to work it was so nice to focus on other things, and I feel that helped me improve also.

You're back to teaching 4 weeks after back surgery!?! That's incredible! Remember to enjoy it, and don't work too hard until you feel secure. Wow!

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