Go with the flow? Or get crazy?

L Sass

When your "normal routine" is rocked, do you go with the flow of it, or does it make you all nuts?

I go NUTS. I am a SAHM, but today I had a seminar so DH (who is WONDERFUL, don't get me wrong) stayed home to get the kids on the bus, take DS to preschool, and then worked from home all day. So just him being home for the kids' before school routine shakes things up a lot. I started getting antsy. I went to the seminar and came home to the house not at all like I do things during the day and I feel totally out of it now! I guess I've become spoiled as a SAHM to keeping my house a certain way and doing dinner and homework etc. also in a certain way. Ugh!



I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage go to: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=202302&supid=166016627
I'm feeling that right now too. My DH will be home a lot the next few weeks, and I'm gonna be hating it. Hopefully he will find a new job soon so we don't kill each other. Also, I have been sick the past few weeks with one thing or the other, so my workouts have been non-existant.

I am exactly the same way. I am a SAHM and anything that messes with my schedule totally stresses me. I have set times for everything. I am so not good with changes. I feel like I can't move things around. I am trying to be more flexible though.
I'm a SAHM & a routine gal here myself!! I have a terrible time if things aren't the *usual* around here. Weekends are always so hard to stay on top of things. I blame my dh! ;-)

I always make sure things are in their places before bed (dishes in the dishwasher, all laundry put away, etc.) I HATE waking up having things like that to do. I'm a neat freak too so things are all done a certain way.

You're not alone! Thankfully my kids sleep in a bit more in the summer time so I can get a lot done early morning. (I prefer to get things done early & then we can enjoy the rest of the day!)
That's one of the reasons I've put off renovating the kitchen for eons. I really don't think I can handle having to live without a kitchen and working around the schedules of contractors, even for just a week. x( I'm sure it will make me crazy.
I'm definitely a "go-with-the-flow" type... my routines are totally flexible. (Dishes in the sink 'till a.m., no big deal... laundry still not put away... who cares?... beds not made... ok... you get the pix). The only thing I get really nuts about is inefficient placing of plates, etc. in the dishwasher (probably because when things aren't in there right, it means I have to run it more.) Maybe because I'm in the midst of launching a biz, plus the kids, dogs, guinea pigs, birds... I don't sweat the small stuff!;-)
A little of both. Instinctually I find myself getting stressed & panicky, but I make a conscious effort not to freak out about it knowing that things'll settle down eventually & I'll get back in the swing of things.
Add me to this list as well! As a creature of nature in almost every aspect of my life, I am also convinced I'm OCD many times! lol.

When DH was alive, we were completely opposite. I would be chomping at the bit to get him out the door at every second of the day just so home life (during the day, at least) would be normal! LOL

Now, when family and guests come over, I have to prepare myself mentally! LOL I HAVE to empty the sink of all dishes, both dirty and clean, in preparation for more dirty ones to be made from the guests. I HAVE to have something homemade on the counter so I don't have to do it while there is company. My counters HAVE to be completely cleared of all household clutter, again, in prep for my family's clutter (baby's diaper bag, their coats which they just can't hang in the hall closet as asked, etc). My family is slowly getting used to my little quirks, but NOT FAST ENOUGH for me to like! LOL

If I go out and somebody else puts my kids to bed, I have to inspect the bathroom to be sure the tub and 2 towels are wet (proving they showered) and that toothbrushes are wet (proving they brushed). Then I HAVE HAVE HAVE to empty the kitchen sink of all dishes once again!

OH MY!!!!!!!!!

LOL I'm getting a headache now! LOL

Oh, you don't even wanna get me started on this. I'm scary if my routine is disrupted. Let's just say that I have meds for it and leave it at that, shall we?
I go nuts!!!!! I vent inside and pretend all is well when there is really a fire brewing. One day I am just gonna crack...or have I already and just not aware of it??? lol


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