Go figure


I bought this house 10 years ago and it has been great, good neighborhood and all. NOW in the last month someone broke into our house, my son came home early and must have scared them off before they could get away with anything, Now I don't know if this is related but I think it is because they went straight for my dresser where I had money hidden, Kids didn't know I had money stashed away. Sunday my kids were sleeping, I was out, came home and my daughter asked why my drawers were out and ransacked? I went up and sure enough it was and $2100 I had stashed away to buy a show quality female for my breeding program. NOW today my son's bike was stolen, again. he got his stolen last summer and now again!! so I am putting up my house for sale and moving OUT!!!
Aargh! That just bites raw x( :-( Sorry to hear about all that.

Please pardon/ignore the questions if too intrusive...

How did they get in? Did they use the same entry point both times?
Any of your neighbours complain of stuff missing/entryways tampered with at their houses? Many thieves of course 'watch and wait' for a long time before making a move. I know it's such an uncomfortable thought since you're already so distressed but they could have been watching your family's movements for a long while now.

When putting $$ away I've tried to be mindful not to do it near open windows with lights on, no matter how 'private' and 'respectable' the neighbourhood appears to be.

In general I'm quite anxious at the thought of burglars, I'd even go as far as to describe myself as paranoid. Thankfully in your case no one was hurt. Just recently in our local papers there have been articles highlighting the fact that a lot of break-ins in our community are done by teens; idle youngsters looking for kicks. Sad, but true and very disheartening.
We had a lecture from a crime watch detective.

He gave us some great pointers:

Randomize your house, having lights going on and off during all hours of the day. Make random short trips with your car

When burglar proofing your house, you don't have to make it fort knox, just harder than the other neighbors.
I am going to check into an alarm. The only thing is my 7 year old treats the door like it is a revolving door, so easy to get in always unlocked, I am going to try to take them the the water park often and let them have a friend over inside, I don't leave the door unlocked at all times now days. The first time they came in my oldest son didn't lock the door. The second time, my son was going in and out and left it unlocked again! Grrrr!!! I think it is the same person the first time, I think they found the money but didn't have time to take it because my oldest son came home early. I agree I think it is someone who knows us and watches when I leave. I was very secretive on the money, no one knew I even had it, not even the kids. As for the bikes being stolen all the time, it has to be some teens walking by picked it up. I told my son so many times to put it away when he was done riding it, so this time I have no money to replace it so he is going to have to go without a bike this time. and you would think with all these dogs in the house they wouldn't do it LOL
That is really scary they were in the house while your children slept! I would move too. I hope you called the police!!

You poor thing! How violating and terrifying! I don't blame you for moving either! Take care of yourself.:-(
We were broken into three times last year. All three times were my own fault. I left the house unsecured in one way or another. I guess I have a trusting nature and was a bit naive, it took three times for me to "get it". So now we have the doors locked at all times, unless we're home. The garage door stays CLOSED! That really helped. It's been a year, and since we got more secure we've had no problems. I can say, like you, I was so ready to move!! I got talking with other families in the area and really got the impression that it doesn't matter where we go, there are problems everywhere right now due to the economy and peoples desperation. Take care!

Oh my gosh! How alarming & frightening! I am so sorry for you & I can't imagine how violated you must feel. I will be thinking of you & your family & I hope it helps to get an alarm system...

Yes I called the police and reported it on both occasions and when the bikes were stolen. That is real sad when they steal a bike from a little boy. I do feel so violated and not safe anymore these days. I do now keep all doors looked and wooden dowels in the windows so they can't get in even if they manage to make it past the window lock. I am supposed to leave to Wyoming for some dog shows later this month and I am to scared to go, affraid I will come home and have nothing left in the house. I plan on having lots of people check on the house daily all the door locks.

I hope I'm not being too forward in suggesting this, but I'd bet $10 that the person stealing from you is a friend or acquaintance of your kids. Here's why I think that:

When I was about 12 years old, items were stolen from my parents house over the course of a summer. We didn't know things were being taken until several noticeable items went missing at once and the thief a bit of a mess. Once we tallied up what was missing, it was very obvious that it was stuff that an adolescent or teenager would be interested in, and he was getting in the house through a faulty locking system that only someone who had pretty good knowledge of the house would know of.

The thief turned out to be a 14 YO friend of mine and my sister who lived two doors down and spent a lot of time in our home. My younger sister also scared him off one time when she came home early from a softball game. Your story sounds VERY familiar.

You mention that no one knew about the money, but it's very possible that your kids did and may have mentioned it to someone, not maliciously, but in the way that kids do. I know as kids my sisters and I snooped in my parents drawers. I'm not saying that your kids snooped, but kids are pretty perceptive about things.

I hope everything works out for you and you don't have to move.
I am thinking it has to be someone kids know, I am betting on this one boy whom my son turned into the police for pornography, But I never told them I had that money, I kept it so hush hush. but the kids did know I was going to purchase two new female pomeranians. I am going to put up a camera, not install it but make people think it is working and I am going to put up a small sign on the door saying " Smile, Your on camera" I am not sure it will work but we are getting motion sensor lights. I am so down today with all that is going on.
Make sure you check with your homeowners insurance company - you probably have a deductible, but if those items are stolen - it should be covered subject to your deductible - money usually has limitations with certain companies but definitely check into it.

Good Luck with everything - totally sucks!
You might consider paying a housesitter. They are typically inexpensive. I have two dogs and rather than boarding them when we travel I have someone live here with them. The house is safe and my dogs are happy. I use two different ladies, both mature and quiet dog lovers. Just a thought..... I feel badly for you. Now you must worry every time you go out.
I can only imagine how you must feel and I don't blame you for wanting to move. I have to agree with Gayle on this one. Even though you didn't mention the money to your children, if they're anything like me and my siblings, we routinely searched through our parent's dresser drawers looking for hidden stashes of candy or pocket change -- whatever we could find. :eek: }(

I would hesitate to keep that kind of cash around the house. Have you considered opening an account? There are several great online financial institutions that offer great interest rates -- ING is one -- I can't think of another off the top of my head, but that 2 grand could've earned you about 4% interest in an online bank -- much higher than your basic brick and mortar bank or credit union.
I live in El Paso!!! Crime city! My alarm system was the first thing I put in my house! I think I pay like 26 dollars a month! I would definitely check into it!

Good luck!

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