Go BoSox


Although I'm totally indifferent to all pro (and collegiate and high school) sports, I am rooting for the Red Sox to go all the way.

It takes a certain Calvinistic love of punishment to be a Red Sox fan, just like it takes a certain special masochism to actually enjoy I-Max 1, the Boot Camp Cardio-Only premix, and Circuit Max with heavy barbell leg circuits followed by the Cardio-Kix power drills.

A-Rod - eat my shorts.

Go Sox!

Sox (((((((((((GAG))))))))))))

I'm rooting for my home team. Go Yanks!
'IF' the Red Sox beat the Yankees then they will win the world series.

I think the Yankees will win the ACLS in 6 games, sorry Boston.
Gotta say I'm a DIE HARD Cubs fan but obviously that didn't get me too far this year;-) So I got to root for the other team who doesn't always have the best of luck! So, Go Boston!

Nothing against the Yanks, but haven't they won enough?- give the Bo Sox a chance:)
I really do feel for you long-suffering Red Sox fans. It's like watching a post-season train wreck every year. I would like to see them beat the Yanks but if they lose Game 2 tonight----lights out I am afraid.
I actually think I prefer either the Cardinals or the Astros this year to win it all.........
Trevor :)
The Red Sox - An Epic Haiku:

The Sox are better
This year Boston will not choke
Until World Series

(author understandably unknown)

>Gotta say I'm a DIE HARD Cubs fan but obviously that didn't
>get me too far this year;-) So I got to root for the other
>team who doesn't always have the best of luck! So, Go
>Nothing against the Yanks, but haven't they won enough?- give
>the Bo Sox a chance:)

Another HUGE Cubs fan here. My fiance' is a Bosox fan, grew up in Boston, so I have to root for the "other" underdogs. :(
I can't even bring the subject up to him since they lost last night. I can't believe they started with Schilling since he is injured!!
Well I was wrong about the Yanks in 6, looks like it's a best of one series. Good luck to both teams and all the fans.
I've been a Yankee fan since they won the series in '78 (I had a Bucky Dent poster hanging up in my dorm room!). I wanted the Sox to win a few to make it interesting but ENOUGH ALREADY!
Seriously, they play like they WANT it more than the Yanks. I'll always love the Bronx bombers, but it might be time for Boston. (This coming from someone born and raised in Buffalo and a lifelong Bills fan). I understand fan agony!
Valerie :)
I see the Red Sox have actually forced a Game 7. It would be nice to see them instead of NY again but as long as it's exciting I don't really care that much I guess.
As for the Yankees looking like they don't want it....I think they do want it but they have been through this so many times that they know how to turn it on and off. They pace themselves better than any team I have ever seen and that's the sign of true professionals. I am an Orioles fan so that's hard for me to admit.
Valerie---you should be proud of the Bills. At least they made the Super Bowl 4 times in a row. That will never happen again in this day and age, the way pro sports is run. So hold your head up and be thankful you aren't an Arizona Cardinals fan. LOL!!
T. :)
Go Red Sox!!!!! The SOX are providing us great sports entertainment, especially in the absence of the (NHL) hockey season.
Game 7, People . . . Game 7!

I read recently that horror novelist Stephen King has teamed up (ATROCIOUS PUN!) with another die-hard Sox fan Stewart O'Nan to write a book about the 2004 Red Sox season, aptly titled "Faithful" - win, lose or draw the book will go to press in mid-December.

Think of it: one of the cheesiest writers in American letters teaming up with a man whose last name used to mean masturbation, to write about one of the most frustratingly lovable teams in sports history.

Life is full.

For Crying Out Loud, A-Jock!!!!!:eek: I had NO idea you were watching this extra-inning fest with as much glee as Me! (Good rhyme, bad English)

I'm not totally familiar with Bosox history, but my pointy-headed hat is totally off to ANYONE who can woop the Yankees after they ousted the Twins.

I love those Cinderella teams, keep it comin'!:p

You know were Jules is parked tonight.

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