

Hi everyone! I was wondering if there was something I am missing when doing squats. I feel the main work in my legs, but not much in my glutes. I feel I have good form, and am keeping the weight in my heels. I squeeze real hard when doing them too. I do feel the work a little, but never a tough burn, and really no soreness the next day. Does anyone have any pointer? P.S. the only time I feel it the next day is when I do step up/step down on the high step with the resistance band. Thanks for the help! Pam
Where are your feet placed when you do them? Feet closer together will work the quads more, feet shoulder width should target the glutes more. How about when you do low ends and static lunges? You should definitely feel them during those. Try doing a few without weight in a mirror and go slowly, stopping at 90 degrees (if you can)and squeeze your glutes as hard as you can to push yourself back up. Be sure that you keep your trunk and head upright with a slight arch in your back.

The big key for me is really contracting at the bottom of the move and keeping my weight in my heels (I actually lift my toes inside my sneakers). Hopefully you will feel the burn but if you don't it's still a great exercise for your legs overall.
Thanks for the tips! Yes, I do exactly what you do, even lifting my toes in my shoes. I do feel the work, big time (sometimes I am cursing!) I guess maybe it just hurts all over and I can't really distiguish what exactly is hurting. I think I am looking for soreness in my butt the next day, and sometimes I just don't feel it as much as I think I should.
I had pretty much the same problem as you, getting really strong quads and a nice tear drop shape. Then I did Slow and Heavy Legs, which I hadn't ever really done before and I used 50 pounds for almost all the leg work. Today, ouch in glutes!!!:+ I'm not sure I really felt it as much at the time, but the slower pace, combined with the heavier weight (which almost forces you to take a slightly wider stance for squats than I'm used to and if you notice the other ladies in the video are also using a wider stance than I've seen in other workouts), and the wider stance all worked together to give me some nice DOMS in the glutes. If you don't have slow and heavy you can also do you own sets with the appropriate heavy weight for you and then do a down2/up6 slow count 8 reps, 3 sets of the usual legwork. Squats, plie squats, lunges (although they only do 2 sets of the lunges on each leg).

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