Glute machine?

A few months back someone posted a website with a big yellow weight machine that worked the glutes like the Firms leg lifts only with REAL weight. It ran about $500.

I've done a seach & can't find it. If you remember, I'd appreciate the link again!!!!

I don't have a link, but I think the machine is called a "butt blaster". I've seen it advertised in the back of many fitness magazines.
Hey girlfriends! Miss ya's bigtime!:* I just wanted to add that you can mimick this maneuver(butt blaster)by doing a kneeling dumbell glute extension!(this is mainly a hip extension exercise but your glutes do feel it)
Kneel down on the ground,put a dumbell behind your knee,drop your upperbody down forward,placing both your hands on the ground,keep the dumbell clenched firmy in place behind your knee by keeping your leg bent,raise your leg up and back,squeezing your glute hard,Raise your thigh as high as you can(not overextending bringing your lower back into it)!(if you feel the dumbell starting to slip lower your thigh and adjust, you may want to put a towel there to keep it more secure(whatever is more comfortable for you)
But if you still want the butt blaster always call Yukon or Bigfitness for prices on returns or refurbished ones for a better deal ! HTH
Hey there!! You decided to POP in! Thanks for the idea! I used to do those and forgot about them. Hmmmm, guess what my classes will be doing tomorrow? Ha! How ARE you and how are things coming along? Thanks also for the tip for better deals, Francie. Good to see you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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