Does anyone take this and, if so, what is a good brand to buy?
oh hey, I'm a 'catheite' - yippee, lurkers can progress, lurkers can progress
Off to yoga-nidra!
Congrats ElleJay! I forgot how many posts it takes to be a 'catheite' - does anyone remember.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask a question. My fiance has a lot of back and joint pain. He's seen doctors regarding this, but they always tell him he has to get a different job. He's a suspended ceiling installer and he's up on stilts all the time with his arms above his head. Anyway, he's been talking about taking the joint juice, and I'm wondering if he has to be careful with taking this as well as other vitamins? I'll check the labels, but I just thought I'd get second opinions since this post was already started! TIA!