

I've been reading more and more about gliding. Can anyone who has tried this type of workout please give me some feedback. I am just curious about intensity, results, etc.... I see that Mindy Mylrea is releasing some new gliding workouts and that has peaked my interest. Thanks.:) :)
It's great for your lower body! You can put on some music and improvise with them, too.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I like to take my gliding discs along when I travel.

I think the potential for Gliding has not been fully realized yet. The discs can definitely be used for advanced moves.

Doing rear lungews with the discs keeps the moving leg engaged throughout the move rather than just during part of the move. And it's nice to use the discs on the moving (but 'non-working') leg for one-legged squats. They also can be used for some pretty intense hamstring work (think of the stability ball roll-ins, but done using the discs on the floor) and for pec "flyes" done in push-up position. They can also be used for cardio, doing "skating" moves (similar to what you would do on a slide board).

The existing workouts (not including Mindy's latest, which I haven't seen) show various levels of intensity, but the sets are often too short to really make them "advanced."
I have the gliding discs and like them alot. I really didn't care for Mindy's workouts that came with them. The leg work was ok and I liked the core. I also use them for Tracie Long's new videos instead of the rags. It works great for that. I'll do some of my own stuff using the discs too.
I have the Gliding set with Mindy's workouts. I love them. They make my legs hurt in places that never hurt before. I was quite humbled by trying to do a pushup on those discs. The time flies by when you are doing these.

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