Glee GQ pics...


I love Glee, by all measures I should not like this show, I'm not a fan of shows that center around teenagers and high school, I'm not even really a fan of teenagers, and I really don't like musicals, but I love Glee, go figure.

So I saw these pics, and I don't think I am necessarily offended by them, but I am a bit unsure if these are appropriate, I get the actresses are not really 16, but they do play teenagers on tv. I just can't make up my mind if these are wrong because they portray teens on tv, or if it's OK because they are adults in real life, and why does that guy get to keep all his clothes on?? :p
Appropriate for who? It's GQ--a magazine for adults, men in particular. In that context, yes they are appropriate for THAT magazine. I wouldn't expect to see this pics printed in 17 or People. They are definitely risque, to say the least. Lea Michele probably feels some pressure to show people there's more to her than prissy little Rachel...and that's totally her choice.

As for why Corey gets to keep his clothes on...well...maybe sometime they'll do a shoot for Cosmo and then the women will get their chance for oogling!! :eek:

BTW, I can't wait for the Rocky Horror episode next week!! :cool:
It's not that racy for that magazine. I was expecting something a lot more salacious from your description. This is a little cheesy, but that's really it.
Cheesy, maybe that's what it is, something just off about those pics, even for that mag. Maybe they seem a little more Maxim than GQ to me, but I've never read GQ.

Was tonight a repeat? I didn't watch yet, I used the time to catch up on last week's episode.
Cheesy, maybe that's what it is, something just off about those pics, even for that mag. Maybe they seem a little more Maxim than GQ to me, but I've never read GQ.

Was tonight a repeat? I didn't watch yet, I used the time to catch up on last week's episode.

Tonight is a rerun.
I find them worse than cheesy. Yes, the target audience is GQ readers, men whose brain resides elsewhere than in the head, but still, Lea Michelle needs to learn that she is not in control of her sexuality when she sits on a locker bench with her legs spread. That's just a lust for celebrity status and a lack of self-respect. She is not, after all, a porno star. I preferred the photos of Courteney Cox in the side bar. Now there's a classy lady.

Lea Michelle needs to learn that she is not in control of her sexuality when she sits on a locker bench with her legs spread.

How do you figure? It is a remarkably condescending statement to deny the possibility of a woman acting sexy and having control over her sexuality at the same time. Surely if a woman has freedom of choice, is in her right mind and is an adult, her control of her own sexuality isn't in question?
Well, it does remind me of a story about a stripper who, on being told she was the most powerful person in a room full of men ogling her, asked "Then why am I the only one naked?"

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