<--- GILBERT!!!

<---took time catching up with this thread
<---wonders how it got so big early in the morning
<---is freaked out by all your deer stories:eek:
<---wonders if she should be thankful there are only fire ants, wasps and scorpions in her neck of the woods
<---is excited for Shelley
<---sends hugs to Kali
<---agrees it gets worse before it gets better, but it DOES get better
<---tells Terri to eat, even if it's something bland
<---thinks Rogue has great taste in hot dudes:)
<---peace out and monkeynuts to you too, Super Boybie:)
<---has sore biceps
<---has been training biceps differently and thinks it's working
<---should finish breakfast

<--wishes all of you a good morning!
<--wonders what time <--should be over for wine with Debbie }(
<--is excited for Sophie, Shelly, and Gilbert
<--wishes <-- could be at the October get together next week
<--thinks the TX get together need to hurry up and get rescheduled already!
<--hasn't seen a deer in a really long time
<--did KPC this morning and was dripping with sweat
<--is soooo happy it's Friday!
<--Am about ready to hop in the shower...
<--Going out for mexican for lunch<--maybe a mexican beer is in order?
<--DH is staying home with sick DD today
<--Get to skip fundraiser tonight because DD is sicky<--don't mind, hate black tie stuff
<--Cat and red squirrel are "playing" with each other through the patio door
<--It's hilarious!!!
<--Saying goodbye to Catheland 'till tomorrow!!

<---only likes deer in sausage and backstrap filets(FRIED)
<---otherwise, is totally creeped out by dear
<---is glad to see Debbie is back
<---is very excited for Terri even though i have no idea what mediation she is speaking of and sends Terri a high 5 and a burger!
<---agrees with Laura that Texas biatches need to reschedule
<---also wishes i was going to Chicago
<---has cramps
<---has to enter two months of bank statements in Quickbooks today and is dreading it!
<---tells Sandy to call me on her way home cause i'll be "out" later tonight
<---loves this thread
<---tells Shelly that there is an aparatus on QVC that is specifically for vacuuming your pet:eek: <--knows this b/c mil has one
<---reminds Shelly to pack camera;-)

<--- check in one more timethis morning before showering and cleanning
<--- just finished KM hi intensity drills and leg conditioning drills and 10" pilates
<--- is happy so far no foot pain today!
<--- thinks maybe doing cardio on main floor is better than carpet over cement
<--- waves to Pinky, Jes, boybert, Emily, MJ & Laura
<--- hope shelly has fun shopping with sophie and Gilbert
Judy "Likes2bfit"
<--- waves hidy ho to all
<--- congrats Shelley on the new addition
<--- got up close and personal with deer at the Royal Gorge
<--- had no scary experiences with the deer BUT those chipmunks are another story :)
<--- 's mother was a little deer cautious and <--- had great fun with it :)
<--- really wants one of those Pumpkin cappucinos from the gas station... we have no Starbucks here :(
<--- is going to cut her hair too but is trying to grow it out another inch or so for Locks of Love
<--- is recovering from the Cards loss last night
<--- is listening to Sydney sing songs from Cinderella AND Jordy Bug fight his nap
<--- is off to comfort the lil' guy
<--- toodles
<---is enjoying this thread immensely
<---lives in the middle of deer country
<---'s b/f hunts bear and deer and <---is finally getting used to that
<---would rather see a deer head mounted on a wall than through my windshield
<---has had several close calls with deer crossing the road
<---thinks Gilbertboobear Schmooshy Face will love his new home
<---thinks Debbie has been sniffing glue this morning ;-)
<---is glad that Wendy feels better today
<---definitely think Mexican beer is in order since it's FRIDAY!!

<---I am definately wanting to join in with the Mexican beer ladies!
<---needs a shower. <---is stinky! PEEE UUUU! :p LOL
<---needs to grab some food and a shower before Joey wakes up from his nap.
<---wonders why the little ones fight the naps sometimes?
<--- waves to all her fellow Cathe biatches this Friday AM
<--- wishes Shellers good luck today with Gilbert
<--- thinks its a great idea to take Sophie & Gilbert shopping
<--- can just imagine Sophie's delight
<--- was also thinking The Ring 2 when ya'll started talking deer
<--- wonders how such innocent looking creatures could be made to look so evil
<--- sends Kali words of encouragement, you're doing the best you can:)
<--- wants in on Pinky's secret new biceps routine
<--- would like to flex much larger biceps as <--- draws her sword this Halloween}(
<--- will be having a couple of margarita swirls oh... in about 2 hours w/ Shonie & co.
<--- thinks Wendy has some major cajones;-) }( :D
<--- JB is asleep now
<--- not sure why they fight the naps but wishes she knew the answer
<--- just opened a hilarious joke titled "Best Halloween Costume Ever" and wishes she could share it
<--- can't wait for her massage at 4 pm... only 3 hours and 45 minutes
<--- gets to leave work in 35 minutes to start the Gilbert run!
<--- has a long drive ahead of her:)
<--- doesn't want to see The Ring 2 if it makes deer look evil
<--- doesn't actually want to see it anyway:p
<--- also wants to know what Pinky's new biceps routine is
<--- wants chocolate in a bad way
<---finished bookwork and payroll
<---has to clean house now and finish laundry
<---needs to mow grass, but ain't gonna
<---tells Marla and Shonie "CHEERS HIEFFERS"
<---would never fight a nap for any reason
<---is gonna rock out to Aretha while i scrub things
<---is glad dh does not have to go to St. martin this weekend
<---has already eaten breakfast and lunch and is still hungry
<---wants to rearrange the guest room

<--- had to get away from the TV because of her frustration with a SOAP
<--- wonders how she got so emotionally invested in a SOAP
<--- hopes there is help available for this :)
<--- needs to clean too
<--- is with Jess on fighthing naps... in fact, fights staying awake
<--- also hungry after breakfast and lunch
<--- wants a piece of the pizza DH and DD are eating
<--- needs advice on reassuring her 5 y/o that she will not be toothless FOREVER when her loose tooth falls out :)
<---wonders what kind of soap is getting autumn so frustrated. Ivory? Irish Spring? Lever 2000? }(

<---can't wait to hear about the Gilbert extravaganza!

<---is taking next Friday off to meet Emily and pick up Becky from O'Hare.

<---is glad it's payday so she can order ACE materials today!

<--- is just constantly stunned by how big this thread gets!

<--- says hello to everybody :D

<--- had a fantastic workout at the school gym last night (25 minutes stairmaster, 2 mile jaunt on treadmill, 45 minutes on recumbant, and 1/2 mile again on treadmill).

<--- admits motivation was mostly that she needed to accrue hours to get her credit!

<--- hopes that Gilbert fits right into Shelley's family!!!

<--- loves the feeling of a new family member

<--- is somewhat optimistic that after two bad years being very depressed and useless, at least <---'s workouts are slowly improving

<--- wishes we all had a little more control over our lives!

<--- says that her mother has been watching the same SOAP every day since she moved to the US nearly 30 years ago!!! Now that's emotional investment.

<--- wonders why <--- doesn't get paid to do everybody else's job, i.e. doctors' offices, insurance companies, car insurance companies, credit card companies. It's getting old.

<--- will go call the hospital to do their job now x(

<--- tells everyone to have a great day!!!

<---is still hungry after a can of spinach and some triscuits
<---mowed instead of cleaning and has to go clean now
<---is glad it's not blistering hot outside
<---scratched new suv with old light fixture in garagex(
<---reminds Sandy to call me durring commute
<---wants a burger ever since sending one to Terri
<---wants fries too

<---sends Jess some fries<---tells jess cyber fries have no calories:)
<---isglad it is Friday :)
<---hopes everyone has a good weekend
<---cannot wait to hear more from Shelley on Gilbert!

<---had an incredibly busy day
<---haven't worked out at allx(
<---will try to squeeze in a workout before midnight
<---wonders how Marla and Shonie's afternoon went
<---wonders how Gilbert's homecoming went
<---is envious of Angie's meeting with Beckers and Evily
<---wants a get-together bad:(
<---hope Jes finally got through with that Quicken task
<---thinks it's weird that Jes wants a burger because she's been wanting one, too!:eek: :)
<---found a pair of jeans that fit her perfectly
<---can't believe her hips have gotten narrow
<---either that or clothes are just cut much bigger than ever:p
<---will e-mail Shelley and Smoogy about bicep thing
<---if anyone's interested, just e-mail as well:)

<----Has denim short jean skirt and looks pretty hot
<----finished High step advanced and step blast challeng
<----looking forward to a dinner at Chevy's tonight
<----had way too many chewy chips ahoy
<----wishes we were getting a new dog
<----listening to monster mash c.d. with my girls
<----dying for new cathe workouts
<----would probably get so much done without these dang forums
<----Cheers to all of you and give gilbert a kiss for me Shelley

<---would love it if Pinky e-mailed her the bisep workout :)
<---Is looking forward to dinner with son and his gf tonight
<---Says Hi to Susan

<---wants to nap!


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