RE: getting
It is my experience that if you are new to Cathe or lifting weights that you can do endurance tapes and build muscle. If you are not new to Cathe and are an experienced lifter, it is my opinion that you CANNOT build with endurance but can maintain good "tone". Your strength will decline however. You are right about the reps and you are right that there is really no such thing as "tone". With endurance work, you can maintain muscle hardness and not gain size, but it is inferior when it comes to shaping your body.
If you want to build muscle you should do 8-12 reps. 8 would lean more toward building with an emphasis on strength and 12 would lean more toward building with an emphasis on endurance and "leaning out". They like to describe the high rep endurance work as "lifting without bulking".
In my honest opinion, or atleast what is the case with myself, you cannot progress too far without upping your weights and eventually decreasing reps. Doing 20 reps limits you in that in order to be able to finish the 20 reps you are using a lighter weight than what you would be capable of lifting for, say, 8-10 reps. I get much better results in the 8-12 rep range rather than going any higher. I don't do Cathe's endurance work very often at all anymore.
This is why you will see so many positive reviews on P90X...that new workout system everyone is talking about. Reps stay relatively now, but intensity and/or poundage is high. Results come FAST.
Seriously, I think the reason many women fail to see their ideal shape in their bodies is because they just never push hard enough or they work out wrong. They think they can forever stay with those little vinyl-covered weights and get somewhere!
Pinky comments on her thighs. Yes, it is true if you build muscle over already existing fat, you will get "bulkier". I am not saying Pinky has a high fat level at all, but it is common for women to carry a higher percentage of fat in their lower body. AND, because women tend to want their legs so skinny, they always feel too "bulky". My legs are bulky in most people's eyes no matter how thin I get, so I emphasize the positive. I work with what God gave me. If I can't be Barbie, well then, I damn well can be Zena.
Ok, I digress. I will get off my soapbox now...