Getting toned arms?


Active Member
I have skinny arms and want visible, defined muscles. I can only see muscle when I "flex." I've been doing PS arm tapes (both tapes once a week) for months. I noticed a slight difference when I increased the weight, but it's nothing great. Any suggestions??
I also have MIS, and most of your cardio tapes (I have the new 2-pack, but not the bigger ctx pack)


I would suggest either doing the PS series twice per week (each body part) or doing the PS series one time per week and ALSO adding in MIS one time per week. That way you will hit each body part twice a week. Also, your body is probably used to doing the same ole thing for months. If possible, you might want to consider getting the CTX series. IT is wonderful and you will definitely see results! Let us know what you decide. GOOD LUCK!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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