Getting to know you


I was wondering how long this forum has been up and running? Who has been here since then? Who are the regulars? Who lives in what state or country? Who has careers & What do you do? Anything else you may want to add about yourself.

I check in everyday and I think this forum has really helped me tremendously and I want to thank each and every one of you for your reading and or posting to my endless questions. As soon as I figure out how to put a picture in I will.

I am Beth M.
I live in Michigan
I have been in this forum for 2 almost 3 months now
I have a Nail Tech Liscense but have been a stay at home mom for 6 years now. I do keep it up
I am 34 years old
I have 3 children
I am married 8 years
I listen to country music
I workout in my home I have a lifetime membership to Fitness USA but have not steeped into the gym since I got pregnant! YIKES!!
I am Shelley
I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I have been posting in this forum almost a year (March 4th)
I'm the Office Administrator for a property development company. We buy land, develop it and build luxury high-rise condos
I am 41 years old
I have 1 daughter, 8 years old
I've been married twice and am now firmly ensconced with a lovely man who I will NEVER marry;)
I listen to industrial, techno, trance, alternative, hip hop, classical, rock (not classic rock though)
I workout in my home and I run

Fun idea!
HI There!

Threads like these come up a few times but they never get old! Cause there's always new people around!:)

I am Lori "ann" (thats names not just one word:) )
I have been comming here for 6+ yrs
I have been doing Cathe for longer
I only workout at home..or take my runs outside
I am 27 yrs old
I have been married for four wonderful yrs
I have a 9 yr old daughter and working on another;)
I have two dogs
I live in the great Country of CANADA!!! YEAH!!!
I am very proud of our olmpicians:)
I was a hairstylist gave it up
I now, work at the airport with private aircraft
I met JayZ and Beyonce last summer
I was also a nail tech..hated ever minute of it!

I could go on and on...but I get more boring with every bit of info:7
I am Tammy
I live in upsate New York, hence the New York and not New Yawk
I have been on the forums for about 19 months, but lurked for a while before joining in
I am 46 years old today:eek:
I have 3 boys
I have been married 24 years, but DH and I have been together 28 years
I listen to all types of music
I love chic flicks
I work out in my home and I am a fair weather runner
I am Kim (aka Kali)
I live in Pittston, (northeastern) Pennsylvania
I have been posting for HEY IT WAS ONE YEAR ON THIS PAST THURSDAY! COOL!!!!!!!!!
I was a stay at home Mom for 7 years and now work at Bed Bath and Beyond for the past 4 months
I will be 36 years old next month
I have 2 sons, 6 and almost 8 years old
I will be married 11 years come April
I have a cockatiel named Chowder who I've taught to say "Hi Baby Bird"
I took dance, ballet and jazz, since I was 4 right up until 2 years ago and intend to take it up again in September
I listen to ALL kinds of music
I walk and workout at home
I'm Bobbi
I live in Tucson AZ with my husband, two teen daughters and an 8 year old son
I came to in 1999
I'm 43

It's a pleasure to meet you!
If you want to see the early days of, check this out:
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Happy Birthday, Tammy:7

My name is Maggie, short for Magdalen.
I live in Portland, Oregon.
I've been a member of the forums for almost 2 years, but lurked before that.
I am 37 years old.
I have been married to my husband for almost 13 years. (We've been a couple for almost 16 years.)
We have 6 children, ranging from 11yrs to 6 weeks.
I homeschool.
I find time to workout by NOT doing tons of housework:eek: }( :eek: .
I listen mostly to classical music, but heavy metal is my secret guilty pleasure. (Metallica, anyone?)
These forums inspired me to lose 43 lbs after our 5th child and now are inspiring me to lose the post baby weight this time (and I'm embarrassed to say that it's a lotx( ).

fun thread:7

Hi everyone.

I'm Kathleen.
Originally from CA, but go to college in New York.
I'm almost 20 years old (less than a month!)
I go to school full-time, work in retail part-time.
I love classic rock music.
I normally workout at home, but college=no space, so I just joined the gym.

Hey all, and especially Beth!

I'm Donna.
A native New Englander(RI), former Virginian, now a resident of sunny Chandler, AZ.
I am 41 with two kids (12&14), and have been married 15 years.
I am a full-time barista at Starbucks(I so love it there!!)
Music?? I love all kinds...but really love Celtic bands...Seven Nations, Gaelic Storm, and Jackdaw, really loud stuff....Godsmack and lots of acoustic stuff...Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews
I moved to a much smaller house and have been froced to do most of my workouts at the gym(but I am really enjoying it), but missing Cathe.
I have been lurking around for years, don't post too often, but have to come visit my friends everyday!!

Happy Birthday Tammy!

COOL! I'll play!

I am Gayle.
I have 2 boys ages 8 and 5.
I am a widow but just got engaged to soon-to-be DH #1, Mike.
I am 34.
I live in Nazareth PA (born and raised).
I workout at home, where I have a big section of my basement quarantined for my workout equipment!
I am a SAHM and LOVE IT!
I workout out early in the morning, usually starting at 5am, so I can get it done before the boys wake up. My workouts are usually 75-90 minutes long.
I have recently taken up running (about 9 months ago) and have since become addicted.
Hobbies include scrapbooking, reading, BAKING AND COOKING!

Hi all!

I'm Lorrie
I've been married to DH for 8 years, but we dated for 13 years prior to that - had to wait for him to return from S. Africa where he worked with Nelson Mandela.
I'm 42.
I have 2 daughters, 7 and 5, and a son 2.
I am an attorney on hiatus while I'm a SAHM, soon to be a group fitness instructor (I hope).
I also workout in my basement whenever the children allow me to sneak it in.
I'm training for a mini-marathon in May.
And - I cannot believe Shelly has over 5000 posts but has only been a member for a year - is that true?

I'm Kathryn (you might have been able to figure that out ;-) )
I live in Illinois
I have been on this forum since around 1994?
I am a French professor
I am 48
I am single, no children (but 5 cats)
I can't stand most country music! Or heavy metal! But I listen to most anything else, especially French music.
I workout at home exclusively.
I like to garden (turns in to landscaping!), read lots and lots in areas that interest me (in English, French or Spanish).
I have been a volunteer at my local animal shelter for about 3 years.
I am a vegan, transitioning towards a more raw diet, but don't intend to go 100% there!>
Happy birthday, Tammy!

And Lorrie, Shelley is a confirmed posting addict. ;-)

I am Marie
I live in NE Pennsylvania, and travel regularly to NJ and CT for work
I have been on this forum for a year
I have a master's degree in instructional technology and develop training programs (multimedia and classroom) for a large p&c insurance company
I am 38 years old with two boys, 7 & 14
I have three cats and a pug
I am divorced & engaged to a wonderful guy; not feeling too rushed to make it official, though
I work out at home with Cathe, mostly
I am a voracious reader and have a goal of reading 52 books in 52 weeks (pretty much on track at this point)
I'm Nancy
I live in Brooklyn, New Yawk
I have lost track of how many years I've been on this forum, but it's at least 2
I'm a trusts and estates lawyer (a kinder, gentler kind of lawyer ;-) )
I'm 49 years old
I have one stepson who got married last year and moved into his new house today
I have been married for 5 years, but with my DH for 10 years
My favorite music is Motown and rock 'n roll
I can't follow step aerobic instructors, so I go to the gym for my cardio
I like to do my strength training at home
Would love to someday be wealthy enough to do Pilates at a Pilates studio one-on-one, but am not there yet
Hi, I'm Jean

dreamyjeanie refers to my love of day dreaming, not to my appearance. (maybe someday LOL)
I live in Texas.
I have a daughter in college
Dh and I have been married for over 22 years.
I will be 43 next month
I found Cathe on FitTV about a year and 1/2 ago, but didn't start posting til last May.
I love animals. Currently have 2 australian shepherds.

Hi Beth!

I am Kara.
I have officially been posting about a month??? but was a lurker for way tooooo long.
I have been working out with Cathe since 2000.
I am a full-time college student getting my degree in health care administration.
I was a SAHM for 13 years.
I am 34 and have been married for almost 16 years.
I have a son, 13, and a daughter who is almost 8.
I workout at home to Cathe and run on my treadmill and just received a spin bike for Christmas that I have to begin to utilize!
I moved to the Nashville area last June.
I listen to lots of different music, but U2 is my first choice in any moment on any given day. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I am addicted to smilie faces. :eek: :eek: }( :D }( :)
I love cheese, just not on pizza. :9
I'm Erica
I live in NE Ohio
I'm 38 years old
I've been married for almost 19 years
I have 4 kids
I like most music, but dislike country music a lot
I mostly run outdoors or spin for cardio and I do strength work at home and at the YMCA
Running keeps me sane. I run at night and look forward to it all day long.
I've been a SAHM for over 15 years.

I am Becki
I live in Minnesota
I am 35 yrs old
I have been with my husband for 17 yrs and we have been married for 10 yrs
We don't have kids but we have 2 dogs and 1 cat
I work out at home with Cathe 6 days a week
I don't know how long I have been on the forums, I don't post a lot but I come here almost everyday and read the posts!!:)

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