Getting their on Imax 1


Hello all,
Just wanted to introduce my self. I usually lurk on this forum but thought I could use some support. Just started to get back on the band wagon again after some time off and the last couple of days I have been trying Imax 1. The first time I could only do 20 minutes and last night I did 24 minutes. Soon I will be able to do the whole thing without stopping....YIPPEE.....small progress but It takes small steps. I am going to loose the 30 pounds this time around.
Thanks for listening and Happy Holidays
Hi Krista, just be consistent and one day you'll do IMAX 1 from start to finish. When I first started using Cathe's workouts, I was so winded after the first segment of Power Max (one of Cathe's older workouts). Here I am almost 6 months later, an IMAX 2 fanatic. I do IMAX 1 but love 2 the MOST. I did Power Max again this week after a long time of ignoring it. Power Max used to be such a high-intensity workout for me. Now it's easier... just "regular-intensity" now, if there is such a term.:)

Also, I just got my blood test results. My good cholesterol is way high! Thank you, Cathe!

Hang in there, it'll get easier. And you know by now that Cathe's addicting, right? You'll be dancing and jumping around that step of yours for much longer in no time.

Hello, Krista!

I read that as "Getting their IMAX on" everytime! And that's what you are doing! IMAX is my favorite of the workouts that leave me lying on the floor in a puddle of sweat! I used it to help increase my endurance when I trained for the Tucson Marathon in 1999 and it worked! Once someone conquers IMAX, I always say, "You have joined the ranks of the Fitness Goddesses!" Welcome back, Fitness Goddess!
Way to go Krista! You'll be doing the whole thing in no time! Just keep at it and try and be consistent and you'll be amazed at how quickly your body responds.

You go girl!

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