getting the lean , musculare look,


What rotations do you guys use to get that lean, muscular defination look? I have PowerHour DVD, Rhythmis Step DVD, Ab hits, CTX Upper body. And some firms...I love Cathe though and am finding myslef to do more of her.I want to get those arm like MAdonna. Another Question, I have noticed that alot of you are around 5'2". I their girls out thier that are taller that have that lean,muscular appearance? This will give me more motivation..
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-02 AT 06:28AM (Est)[/font][p]I am 5 ft 10 and weigh 150 lbs.

Although I am very strong, I don't think, genetically, that I'll ever be able to get as cut and muscular as Cathe. My muscles are the long kind and they just don't form like Cathe's.

I don't have any cellulite on my legs, I have 6-pack Abs, my pecs are noticeable and you can see every muscle in my forearm. My biceps/triceps are solid, with no fat wiggling anywhere but they are not really defined. I am a Walmart size 8/10 Tall.

I can eat up to 2800 kcal a day and don't gain weight - that's good.

Cathe gave a rotation to give Ectomorphs more muscles and she said to do IMax once, MIS once, PH once, a one hour Step workout, a 30 min intense cardio workout and a 45 minute cardio workout once a week. Repeat for one month. If she remembers, she will post eventually what to do after the first month. I modified this and I am doing the following for eight weeks:

Week 1: CTX - As is

Week 2
Tue: MIS
Wed: Spinning or jogging
Thurs: Rythmic Step
Fri: Power Hour
Sat: Spinning or jogging

Hope this helps.
Thank you for the response, I am 5'6" and your response will give me motivation....It is nice to know that this type of phyique is attainable with alot of hard work.....i want to look like that.........Anyone else have any input.....response is kinda slow........
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 11:29PM (Est)[/font][p]I think there are MANY ways of achieving that 'lean, muscular look.' But there are several variables such as genetics (#1), how your own body responds to the various workouts, your diet (protein intake), etc.

I think as a general rule of thumb, working each muscle group at least 2x a week (or 1x a week if you're using PS or S&H), adding in 3-5 cardio sessions weekly and making sure to mix up the type of cardio your getting (kickbox, hi/lo, step, run, etc.) and including a thorough warmup and cooldown and stretch to your regime will get you the results you want, but taking into account that you are setting realistic goals for your own body type.

There are so many different rotation ideas out there, I think Kathy compiles these (? - I'm fairly new here as well and have seen her name mentioned) and perhaps you can get a list of these to get some ideas.

I like to do a 3-6 week CTX rotation, then 6-12 weeks MIS/PH rotation, then 4-6 week PS rotation. IMO, there is no 'magic' series of tapes to use to get the specific look you want. You only need to ensure in regard to strength training that you're challenging your muscles with weights that are as heavy as you can lift with proper form. Also, I would include at least 1 interval workout per week to increase your cardio endurance.
What does your MIS/PH rotation look like? I haven't tried either yet, but I like the idea of combining them. Thanks.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-02 AT 00:09AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi, Nancy. My MIS/PH rotation looks like this (I noticed that Katerchen also has a good MIS/PH rotation listed above):

Mon - Cathe Step, i.e. PowerMax (or cardio of choice)
Tue - MIS
Wed - Cardio Kicks (or cardio of choice) + abs
Thur - PH
Fri - Interval Max
Sat - MIS (or if you want to strength train 2x a week, do a cardio on this day - I also tack on a floor legs tape afterward if doing a cardio)
Sun - Rest

I've seen on the forum where a rotation is listed with MIS 2x a week and PH 1x a week for 2-4 weeks, then the next 2-4 weeks, PH is done 2x and MIS is done 1x (I can't remember exactly where I've seen it). I always have difficulty doing longer rotations (longer than 2 weeks, although I have done them but it's hard for me), but I'm going to be trying my hardest to stick with this one for at least 4-6 weeks (then onto a 8-12 week PS rotation) so I can see the full benefits and strength gains (I'm in my 1st week of doing this rotation right now). HTH!
Kristine, and others-
I thought the description of MIS said it is 75 mins. long. If you're short on time, does it make sense to break it into two segments? If so, I guess you would do MIS 4X per week if you wanted to get the whole thing in twice. I'm still trying to decide whether to buy the DVD with PH/MIS on it for the future. I'm in my second month of PS and I'm not tired of it yet!
Nancy, I do break up MIS on occasion (i.e., lower body one day, upper the next) and will do it 4x in a week in this way. But I usually tack on 20-30 minutes of cardio afterward (or before) -- I'll do one of the CTX cardios, or MIC hi/lo, MIC step (which are all around 25-30 minutes), etc. I know this would negate the time efficiency factor, but you could also do the upper/lower body section of MIS in the morning and add in cardio later on in the evening if you want the extra cardio.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying PS!

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