Getting Started

Hi Cathe! Could you give me some advice about getting started on a successful fitness program. I have actually been exercising for quite a few years, but I can never seem to really build up cardio endurance. I love step aerobics but I would also like to build up the endurance to do some running. My ultimate goal is to be able to incorporate weight training with my cardio workouts. I just don't want to get burned out too quickly.
I can handle the basic step video and the low impact step video pretty well and I would like to try other videos as well, but they are too advanced for my fitness level. Your suggestions would be appreciated.
I truly want to thank you for dedication to ftiness, especially to us ladies who need to workout at home. You and your tv/video crew are an inspiration, thank you!
Too few easy-to-do step tapes being produced

Dear mamabunny1,
I defer to Cathe or others to reply to what is an ideal beginner aerobics program.

I find that there are too few uncomplicated, easy-to-do step and floor aerobics videos being produced these days. Boomers my age have difficulty keeping up with overly-complex routines. So I have gone to buying the older 1990s VHS tapes, and using these for aerobic work. Also, the step or floor work, on aerobic/strongth "interval" videos, is often too complicated, making such tapes useless for me. What is also needed are "interval" videos that feature uncomplicated step and arobic sequences.

It is not the athletic toughness of advanced step videos that is intimidating. It is the complexity and speed of them! For example, I still use Cathe's very first tape -- "Step in Motion" (1990) -- after all of these years. It is certainly advanced, but is uncomplicated. What I do is to tone down the more strenuous parts, and to make easier modifications, to get through the
tape. More of these kinds of step and floor aerobics tapes should be made.

This is true for people wanting to get into fitness and to maintain a good, doable program.
-- David
beginner's cardio program


I'm not Cathe :D

I noticed that you are interested in starting a running program. May I suggest the Couch to 5k program? You can do it outside or on a treadmill. As much as I love Cathe, just jumping into that program is a doable thing. It is not important to run fast, just do the intervals even if its just faster walking interspersed with slower walking. The point is the intervals improve your cardiovascular ability. I'm still working that program, so don't feel bad if you have to repeat a workout for a few weeks. Do you have any history of injury? If so be very careful. There is no gain in injury.

Other good intermediate Cathe workouts are Low Impact Circuit, Cardio Hits (oldie but goodie.) and Cardio and Weights says its advanced but I think you could do it. Don't forget, if there is an advanced workout that appeals to you, you can always do it without any risers. I always learn them without risers anyway.

Are you looking for a whole rotation?

I am looking for a rotation. I used to do a workout routine for about six weeks and then change it up, but since I've had a baby I haven't had a chance to devise a new routine.
Thanks for the advice about running. I haven't had any injuries other than "runner's knee" which is really no problem now. I will certainly give it a try.

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