Getting started Again :(

Here I am - after nearly a year of not working out . I feel the need to start all over :(.
I got lazy and bored with a routine during last summer and felt I needed a break ; that break has been too long. I went back to my old eating habits & yada, yada , yada.

Cathe, - I really like your new line up and wish they were out already, in the meantime which of your videos should I start back up with? Should I go ahead and start with 6 days a week like I was doing before or what . I actually feel horrible that I wasted so much time . Now I'm back to ground zero. :(

I need to get my motivation back . How should I start with out hurting myself?

Thanks :0)
What I did

I have been where you are before. I did 3 days of cardio and the PS series to start. My 3 days were usually CAthe on a 4 in. step. Some I couldn't even finish. I just did what I could. My weights on the PS series were also real light. And this place kept me motivated!

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