Getting rid of some videos


I'm thinking about clearing out some of my underused exercise videos and was wondering if any of you have ideas about how to go about selling them.

I don't really want to trade for anything because at the present (I can't believe I'm saying this) I actually think I have all the videos I want either in my current collection or on pre-order.

I was think of posting my list at VF but didn't know if you could post videos for sale rather than videos for exchange...I also guess there's always Ebay but didn't know if I could get a decent deal there and also I'm kind of sentimental about all my workout tapes and was hoping they would go to other exercise enthusiasts who would actually treasure them the way I do.

Anyway, any thoughts, ideas, comments, suggestions are welcome!

Hi Lisa

The VF Exchange is just exchange. It's not for selling videos. However, from what I understand, there is a place to swap/sell vids on the FirmDirect Forum. And, as you mentioned, there's always Ebay, Amazon, Yahoo for auctions.

Hope this helps!

Are you selling Cathe tapes???? I'm very interested! Please let me know what you are parting with and maybe I can save you from having to go through any hassle with other websites. Oh, I'm drooling with anticipation.
Try the Firm Swap

I know you can sell vidoes there, and they don't have to be Firm. Good luck!

Erin Cathe tapes

I doubt I will ever part with any of my Cathe tapes, but there will be a variety of other ones.
Thanks for the offer anyway.
To Melissa and ErinF...

Thanks for the idea about the Firm swap...I just might give that a try!
What is the web site...

....for this firm direct forum swap???!!!! Thanks in advance!
Firm Direct Swap

If you go to, they have a fitness forum,and one of the areas in the forum is a video swap. It's like the VF exchange, but they allow you to sell your stuff as well as trade. Have fun!

Well, here's an idea . . .

If you can part with the idea of getting cash for these videos, I've taken several of my old, unused vids & donated them to my library. They were thrilled & I can still check them out!
Thanks for the idea Lezly

I'm taking all these ideas into consideration before I do anything...and first of course, I have to find the time to sort through almost 10 years of accumulated videos!

Thanks for everyone's good ideas.
getting rid of videos

I have the same problem of wanting to get rid of excess videos but not wanting to trade for more. I've tried selling at "Play it Again sports" but you get a measly .50-$1 per video. I've had great success on Ebay (and seems like most people who buy them are "exercise enthusiasts", or at least know their videos). The people who win their bids are usually excited to be getting the videos. Usually it's a "win-win" deal (you get some money out of it (to buy...exercise wear?) and the buyers get a good deal. Try it out!

I sell my old unused videos on Ebay. Sometimes I get back exactly what I paid or more. Good luck.

For all you people who have extra videos you just don't use (because nothing else beats Cathe's vids) sell them on Ebay. I've sold over 50 videos that i just didn't use, i have my favourites that i do all the time (all Cathe's vids). The best sellers on Ebay , ones that will generate the best returns are Tae-Bo (especially the Live versions), Cathe's tapes, The Firm and CIA tapes. Most of my Firm vids sold for between $10-$15. CIA vids anywhere between $10-$20 if recent versions (2K series), older CIA $7-$10.
Cathe tapes sell very well, everyone knows how wonderful she is. Initially i was going to trade many of my videos but the first trade i ever did at VF's exchange was a bad one. The person i was to exchange with never held her end of the bargain and did not send her video to me, so that was the end of that for me. I basically lost a very good video. Also i forgot to mention Yoga tapes on Ebay are hot. Such as THe Method, any Pilates tapes, Stott tapes, also Body Pump video (very rare). Hope this helps.
I hope you reported it?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-00 AT 08:48AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-00 AT 08:47 AM (EST)

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience on the VF exchange.
You know there is a bad traders list, right? I hope you got this person put on it, or at least reported the situation to the mediator, Melissa Cooper? Although you can't change your own situation, you can save others the grief this person caused you.

I've done probably 50 trades on the exchange and never had a problem, so please don't give up on it completely. The vast majority of traders are good and honest people. I too sell a lot of tapes on eBay, because most of what I'm getting rid of is "too beginner" for most VFers.
question about ebay selling

I too have a pile of unused videos (certainly not Cathe!!) but stuff like Abs of Steel step tapes, etc. that no one wants to exchange, I don't know if they would even sell on ebay. Is it best to "bundle" them by selling as a set, or individually? Will anyone even buy tapes like that, or Crunch? I have made tons of trades at VF, but ebay makes me nervous for some reason.
selling on Ebay

Just about anything sells on Ebay. Lots of Buns of Steels, abs of steel etc.. videos, you'll most definitely get a couple of bucks for them. Crunch videos i've sold a few for $4. Tae-Boxing Crunch, I sold for $8. Don't be afraid , it's so easy. It doesn't matter if they are beginner vids, they will sell. Alot of people are just starting out and will buy them. Try it you've got nothing to lose.
Yes I did

Hi Pam, Yes I did report it to Melissa Cooper. I apologize , my intentions were not to discourage anyone from trading at the VF exchange, I simply had a bad experience and opted not to trade again. I'm sure 99.9% of all trades are honest. Thanks for the info about the Bad traders list, I think Melissa Cooper took care of the problem at VF. Take Care.
I understand

No apology necessary! I knew your intentions weren't to discourage others from using the exchange...I just didn't want *you* to feel too discouraged about it.

I don't blame you for being upset about losing a good video. Hopefully at some point you'll be ready to go back in the water, and won't get bit.
Bundling tapes on eBay

Whether or not to bundle is really the seller's option. The down side is that you might not get as much for the tapes as you would if you sold them separately. The up side is that you only have to mail one package!

I just sold a bunch of tapes on eBay and tried to bundle them in at least groups of two, where it made sense to do so (for instance, two Callanetics tapes or two step tapes). They did pretty well, and I'll only have half as many packages to send out.

Doing them in pairs also helps with postage costs for your buyer, because if using priority mail, you can send two for the same price as one.

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