Getting in shape for new videos with.....

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-00 AT 01:16PM (EST)</font></center>

How to get in shape for your wedding, LOL!
I spent my last 6 months being mostly injured and/or ill (I have chondromalacia), but now I seem to be ready to get started again. Since I ordered the new videos and expect them to be quite a challenge, I figured I'd need to do something to get ready for them!
Before I was injured I mostly did Powermax, StepFit, PS, and MIS, but I know I'm probably not quite ready for them, so I started with the wedding video and found that it's perfect for now: I can take the high impact out and the weights are challenging enough.
So since I have been married for quite a while, I'll use the tape to get in shape for the 8-pack instead!
Sorry to be rambling, but I'm just so happy to be able to do ANY Cathe tape!

Hi Marianne!

Thanks for sharing! You are very wise to ease into things. Take care of yourself and please continue to listen to and repect your body!
Thank you, Cathe!

I will definitely try to listen to my body; I learned my lesson!
Meanwhile, I just realized you had your son 6 months ago and look the way you do and I, to the day, had my daughter 6 YEARS ago and look the way I do

Let's put it this way: the pictures you posted of yourself and the equally great-looking cast are very motivating!

Marianne, off to do the step part of the wedding tape in a few minutes....

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