Getting back into the Cathe groove post-hysterectomy


Hello all
Just wondering if anyone could suggest a reasonable way to ease back into Cathe territory. I'm almost 10 weeks post-op from a sub-total hysterectomy and walked like a 'mad-woman' from 1 week post-op. Since returning to work, I'm too pooped to do anything fitness-wise, but now I'm bound and determined to get back to my pre-op fitness level. I did the pre-mix of step from Low Max on a lower step last week which was OK but then I did an ab workout from the ab tape... big mistake - sore, swelly, etc. Thought 'OK just stick to walking'

I'm trying to be patient with my body and listen to it but I miss my workouts with Cathe and just think of all the muscle mass that is slowly seeping away. Gawd! if only I had more energy! I know, Iknow, healing takes time and patience. But is there anyone out there who can reassure me that at some point in the next few months, I will be able to work out to the same intensity e.g. I think about #5 from Imax 2, again? When can I do the lower ab work without paying for it big-time with swelling,etc. the next day?

Sorry for the 'whine line'. Any suggestions will be much appreciated!
Hi mmarg9,

I had a partial hysterectomy 13 years ago when I was 32. Having one at such a young age sucked, but I think it also helped enormously with my recovery.

First, take it slow and listen to your body. I would start with strength training to get your muscle tone back, and then slowly ease back into cardio. It may take some time before you can do a Cathe cardio tape from start to finish, but start out with 15 minutes, and then move to 30 minutes. Before you know it, you will be back where you started.

Make sure you have your doctors clearance to work out again. Don't beat yourself up, your body has been through a major surgery.

I turned 35 in January and had a partial hysterctomy in December. I thought I would be walking the mall at four weeks . . . NOT. I had/have swelly belly which doens't help at all. If I do more strenous activites, my stomach is so huge I feel like I'm going to pop.

Go SLOOOOOW - it's not worth pushing yourself believe me. I started walking on the treadmill first. Then with Denise Austin's tv shows. The Project You. Then I added Cathe's basic step, basic Taebo, etc. I still can't do a full Cathe tape & it will be six months for me. I used to do Cathe 4-5 times a week before surgery and lift 8-10-15-20 pounds. I tried some of Low Max last week and couldn't even finish the premix of intervals 1-4!!!!! I take that back - I did finish all of her High Step Circuit Friday night (I LOOOOVE that workout).

I know we are all different. Just listen to your body that is the MAIN thing and very important. This surgery made me realize that I wasn't doing my body good working out at that high of an intensity all week long. But that is me. I'm anxious to try more of the tapes from her new series. I bought them as a Christmas present and so far just tried Low Max and one of the stretching workouts.

Take care and good luck!!!!! Rachelle

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