Getting Back in the Game Monday


I hope everyone had a great Easter! Ella had a fun early Easter egg hunt by herself in our backyard on Saturday b/c it was supposed to rain heavy on Sunday. Then on Sunday we visited with in laws.

As for workouts, I did 4DS Lower Impact Step on Friday after work and did 4DS Bootcamp on Saturday. I was planning on having a rest day on Sunday, but I caved and ate a ton of Easter candy at in laws and did Imax 2 in the evening to make up for those extra calories. I hadn't done that one in a while and it always tricks me, thinking it not too bad in the beginning and then I am dead by the end. Then this morning I woke up late so only did the warm up and Chest and Back from 4DS Higher Impact Step, and didn't have time to do the step. I may take a walk with Ella after work to get at least a little bit of cardio in.

What is everyone up to today?
Hi Diane! Great job on your workouts this weekend! Glad Ella had fun for Easter!

I did 4DS kickbox and abs on Friday, then we were driving Saturday, so no workout that day. Yesterday I didn't feel too good after getting out of the hot tub, so I decided not to work out.

This morning I had my bootcamp class again. It was going really well, and I felt like I had gained some strength and endurance, then all of a sudden I didn't feel so great. Kind of lightheaded and nauseated. So I rested for a bit, then joined back in. It happened again. So I rested until we did the ab work at the end when I joined in again. I can't really figure out what my problem was. I had eaten breakfast, I was drinking plenty of water, and I felt fine afterward. I'm guessing that the problem was related to hormones on both days. Sometimes when I get overheated at certain times of the month it makes me feel kinda ill. (It also used to happen to me when I tried to work out while pregnant....but that had better not be it this time!!!:eek:)

Hope everyone is having a good Monday, or at least as good a Monday as is possible! ;)
Jodi - I get the same thing with overheating/blood sugar thing. It also seems to be related to hormones with me as well. I had it bad when I was pregnant which is why I stopped Cathe although during that time. I got it several times during our outdoor strollerfit class I did when Ella was younger. I have to have Gatorade or quick sugar and rest for a while, then I can rejoin. But I really need the sugar, water won't help. So maybe keep a small Gatorade nearby at bootcamp in case you need it. I always kept one in my car for strollerfit, I once had to drink a kid's juice box another mom was nice enough to give me.
Hi gang.

Dianne, sounds like you got lots of workouts done through the weekend. Way to get back into the game.

Jodi, welcome back! Sorry you had issues during your workout. I can't advise. I don't think I've ever had a similar problem. I've had my heart start racing a couple times and have to stop, but nothing like what you described.

I ran three miles on Saturday. Sunday was a rest day, so all I did was a segment of Core Max. I got up early this morning to do CLX Push Circuit 1. I have a 3 mile run planned after work. It should be nice out. Sunny and high 50's. Eating wasn't too great over the weekend, but on the other hand, it could have been a lot worse. I'm just going to avoid the scale for a few days.

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