Generic Rotation


Active Member
I am looking for a generic rotation for weight loss.
I have been exercising for years on and off and feel that I am in pretty good shape, but not too advanced.

I can exercise 5 days a week and would like to get your opinion regarding this rotation:

Day 1 - Step tape
Day 2 - total body weight circuit
Day 3 - Cardio (hi/lo or step)
Day 4 - Cardio + weights circuit (such as Circuit Max)
Day 5 - Tae Bo / Kickboxing

If you have any suggestions, please do...

Thanks, Anat.
IMHO, that looks like a great rotation. If after giving yourself and this rotation a chance you feel like the weight just isn't coming off I would suggest(based on my own past experience) adding cardio time(30 or more minutes a week) on cardio days, or inserting some Tae Bo/Kickboxing on your weight only day. Another option might be to insert weight training on your Tae Bo/Kickboxing only day. For me when I started doing weights 1-2 times a week, some weight actually came off and my body shape improved noticeably.

Good luck!

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