>I'm not exactly sure how to describe them.
>Definitely not blackheads or whiteheads, I guess more like
>painful bumps, and then they kind of get flaky and dry.
Shelley, that sounds like cystic acne to me, those painful bumps. My dermatologist used to give me cortisone injections to keep them down -- that was when they were out of control. Do see a doctor and see what he or she says. I've been in and out of many dermatologists' offices over the decades, and treatments of one condition may vary since we all react differently to medication. My last dermatologist put me on a topical antibiotic plus Retin-A. That worked well, although it took me months to see a difference. After I had a baby, my OB put me on a low-dose pill. The pill has been very good in controlling my cystic acne.