Geez!!!!! all this dreaming about food


When Im really, really, really, serious and DO eat healthy and sensibly for a few days, I notice I dream about FOOD alot more..............and its always the faty greasy NO NO type.

Then I wake up quiet anxious, and quilty it was REAL and I de-railed. Geez, I even check the bed for food crumbs!

Apparently theres been a few stories where people who COULD NOT loose weight despite "everything" being in their favour to do so, were "dream eaters"

It was a type of sleep walking to their fridges where they ate whatever they could find, and then went back to bed............not remembering the next day they ever did that! FREAKY!

I surpose it doesnt help that I read "food threads" here before I go to bed.

Anyone eles with "strange" food dreams?


I have a good friend that is a dream eater. She will grab a bowl of something out of the fridge at night and fall back asleep on her couch with an empty bowl and spoon lying on her stomach. Of course the next morning she wakes up and the evidence is right there for her to see what she had done.
So funny! Lately I've been dreaming about food. Last time I dreamed of eating lots of different cheeses and I could actually taste them. Or I ate pastries and chocolate -- and again, I could taste them. I love these dreams... I wish I had them more often.
My hubby does this. I didn't know the term "dream eater" before, but I think he'll like that better than "nocturnalizing" which is what we have always called it. He's quite incredulous until I show him the peanut butter jar open on the counter next to the open bread, etc. Sometimes he'll start something but not finish and I'll find cracked eggs in a bowl or tortillas in a pan. He seems to have a safety sense in spite of everything else. Boy, am I glad he doesn't read this forum....
I'm confused. Do you actually eat while asleep or you dream eating? I do not eat I just dream of eating. Much lower in calories! :)
As much as I LOVE food, I've never, that I can remember anyway, had dreams of eating badly (and I sure hope I haven't actually done it in my sleep). When I quit smoking, though, it was months and months before I stopped waking up terrified that I had "fallen off the wagon" and had a cigarette. I'll still have a dream like that occasionally, even though it's been seven or eight years, and I don't even think about smoking anymore.

Macska - "Dream Eaters" are the people who sleep walk their way to the fridge, eat till their hearts content, sleep walk back to bed, wake up in the morning and NEVER remember what they did.

Some just have to go by the effidence in the kitchen - because "Dream Eaters" dont clean up after themselves

Other people - especially if you have a restricted diet of NO YUM foods, or if you go to be hungrey, are more prone to imagine/dream they are eating these foods - but only in their sleep. They dont get up and eat - although they do feel strangely satisfied in the morning.

Shari - the smoking ones very interesting, because Ive heard this before from ex-smokers. Some people could place their hand on a Bible and swear they really DID have a cigarette

The mind can be very powerful!

I don't really dream of food, although sometimes if I haven't gotten enough sleep and can be thinking of it before bed. Around this time of the year when I'm actually thinking of baked goods more often, I think more of food. Like I said when I haven't gotten enough sleep I tend to crave carbs alot!! I have to watch that.

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