GDMT^ ^ ^ ^Tuesday


Good Good Good Morning Girls :)

Okay, first things first: I am scheduled to get my dvd today!!!!!:7 :7 :7 I never got an email, but I went to the cathe site, punched in my phone # and ups has my dvd in Gaithersburg (next town over) and I should get it today!! Probably at 6:30 at night, which is when ups comes to me!!

Today was KPC. My back was bothering me this morning when I woke up, so I didn't workout this morninng. I took a really long hot shower, and what do you know???? my back now feel fine!! go figure:) Anyway, I work till noon, and have errrands, and DH is off today, so I am hoping to get a workout in later today!! I was debating about getting up anyway. Usually I throw a laundry in and go workout and then put it in the dryer and take my shower, so by the time I go to work, I have folded and finished the laundry. Not today.

Last week when DH was off and I was working he came to visit me and told me how bored he was. All the kids just stared at him and wanted to know who he was. DH was totally unnerved!!!:) funny

Okay, I am quite "chatty" today!

I hope you all have great super terrific workouts today!! (obviously I am excited about the dvds!!)

Good Morning!

Today I did PS Back Biceps and Abs. It was only 46 min. which was a good thing since I woke up late. It was a good workout, but I like some of her others better. What are you guys doing next week? I'm not sure between S&H, GS and PS??

Deanie--Let us know when you get your dvds!!:) Mine are scheduled for Thursday. Hope your back doesn't start hurting again.x( Hope you are able to get KPC in later today. How was Open House?

Marcy and Tracee--Did you watch DWTS? Sabrina is still my fav and Mark needs to go tonight. Everyone else looks like they improved. Sabrina danced to a "Cathe" song....Spin Me Round? from L&G.

Have a great day!
Good morning gorgeous ladies!!

I'm changing up this weeks schedule because I didn't want to do shoulders again already so I did chest and back today. I increased my weights in all areas mainly because I took it easy last week. However, I did cut out a couple of sets here and there because I wanted to get an ab workout in. Plus, I start getting bored towards the end of the chest work because it's so repetitive.

I got my e-mail notification last night and it says it should arrive on my doorstep tomorrow. I know I'm going to want to do them right away and it's going to be hard not to do one of the cardio sections on a cardio day this month. ;)

Deanie - I can't wait to hear what you and marcy have to say about the dvd since yours is arriving before mine. Glad you worked the kinks out of your back already.

Gin/Marcy - I missed the first two dancers last night and one of them was Sabrina. I was really bummed. I'm assuming their going to have her dance again tonight though since she got all 10's. I agree that it seemed like all the dancers improved this week and I really enjoyed all of them. With the exception of Mark but I can't really comment since I didn't see his dance.

Gin - I'm going to do PS next week even though it's not one of my favorites. It will be a change though and that's what I need.

Have a great day!
Good Morning!

Those precious DVDs are only a half hour away from my house. I would say I can't wait to get home tonight but I'm going dancing later so won't even be able to take a peek until tomorrow. I'll try to take a short peek at them tomorrow morning.

This morning was Absolute Kickboxing with Kimberly Spreen. I managed to get up before 5:30 so I did the whole thing (94 mins). This was one great workout. The kickboxing was low impact (not as intense as Cathe) but the combat intervals really kicked things up a notch. I have never worked out with a body bar before and I felt it all over. This really felt like a total body workout. I really felt things working in my core, especially my obliques. I liked the standing weighted ab work. Kimberly is a great instructor who has excellent cueing. She is very easy to follow. She constantly reminds you to hold in your core. The whole workout came in at 94 minutes. I only had my 10# barbell stick to use. I know she said 9# but that's all I had. I have DOMS from my neck to my hips. This workout has it all.

Deanie - I guess you'll be the first one to give your impressions. Will your kids be done with their homework by 6:30 so they can let Mom preview her new DVDs? Glad your back's feeling better. Hope you're able to do KPC later.

Gin - I will be doing PS next week. I'll see how I like it. If I do, I'll do it for another week, if not I'll either go back to S&H or GS. I might even do a couple of my upper body P90X workouts. I really need to do more chinups/pullups. It's hard to sneak them in if they're not part of the workout.

Tracee - Good work on increasing your weights. Glad to hear you'll be getting the DVDs tomorrow too.

Gin/Tracee - Last night was great on DWTS! The only one I really didn't care for was Floyd. Even Mark is improving. I think Mark and Floyd will be in the bottom two but I actually hope Floyd goes home. Sabrina was fantastic. She's got such fire in her. She really wants it bad. I'm glad they did the viennese waltz. I loved watching them. Carrie really tore into everyone about their lifts which I really didn't think there were any. Jane looked beautiful. Mel was good but I thought Jane looked better. Marie's was different. I liked her head rolls. She looked real smooth. She reminded me a little of the ballet Coppelia about a doll that comes to life. (Deanie - remember that one?). Helio was good but not as good as the first couple of weeks. I hope he doesn't start to lose it.

Have a great day, ladies. BBL.

AAARRRGGGHHHH!!! Marcy~ I am sooo jealous!!!!:) :) I won't get mine till tonight!!

Okay, I did KPC, but I did my own version. I'm not good at working out during the day. I did: intermediate and high intensity drills, all of combo 1, upper body/first half only of combo 2 and 3(first half also includes legs a little)and all the abs (of course) and I skipped the stretch(I will prob. be sorry tomorrow)

Gin~ Open house was good thanks. A big turnout! I will be doing PS next week. It will be hard not to do the new dvds.

Tracee~good job increasing your weights!

Marcy~ Even though I love Kick box, I still think 94 min is long!! I'm glad you enjoyed your workout though:) When will you be able to preveiw the dvd? I am going to try ASAP!!:)

Have a good one!
Deanie - If I get home early enough tonight, I'll try and take a peek before I go to bed, if not, I'll try and preview some tomorrow morning. Glad you got KPC in. I have to say I never skip a stretch. Sometimes that's my favorite part of the workout. The workout today did have a couple of premixes. There was a 60 min. one which alternated between the kickbox and combat intervals. The core work was 13 minutes long. The nice thing was all the times were listed on the DVD which was helpful. I won't be able to do the whole thing all the time but I psyched myself up last night to get up early and it worked. Hopefully, we'll start hearing from others that they previewed. I saw that a couple of people also got theirs.

Hi Again!

I know all of you are planning on doing PS next week, but I may go back to S&H. I guess we shouldn't try to do the new dvds yet, right?

Tracee--I think you can watch DWTS on the computer. Just go to

Marcy--94 min. of kickboxing? Whew!:p Hope that you aren't too sore for dancing tonight! What is it about Floyd's dancing that doesn't look good? Is he too much of a boxer to be graceful? I guess men aren't graceful. I don't know the word I'm looking for. A woman should win this season.:)

Deanie--Glad you got your version of KPC in today. YOU may be the first to view the new dvds!!:7 Glad the Open House was well attended. I will be so glad when we are through with the re-accreditation. I worked on my room until 3 pm today. I usually leave around 1:30.

Hi Again!

Gin - What is it that you didn't like about PS? As far as Floyd, I guess you could say he's too much of a boxer. He looks kind of stiff and he looked like he was just flinging himself all over the place. Cameron looked stiff in the beginning but I thought he was much improved last night. I think a woman will probably win but we'll have to see how Helio keeps up. So did you get a shipping notice yet? I'm actually not really sore right now. I can't decide whether I'm going to do Chest & Back or Tris & Bis tomorrow. I actually want to do yoga but I don't want to do 2 upper body workouts back to back.

A few comments about Boot Camp from a VFer:

A real space hog, lots equipment changes (which Cathe says is good for burning calories, good techno music instead of 80s music which is good because it doesn't compete with Cathe's vocals.

I may have missed you. I'm not sure what I didn't care for in PS. Maybe I need to give it another week, before I decide. The workout didn't seem as dificult, but then I did have DOMS from the legs.

I don't like to hear that BC is a space hog because I am very limited on my space as it is!

Gin -

I'm still here. I won't be doing PS legs next week. Still have to decide what I'm doing. I think I'm more bummed about constantly changing equipment. I can't wait to hear about the kickboxing. I'm leaving now. Have a good night!


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