Hi Everyone!
Today was Kickbox and Legs (got up too late to do core but will try and do it tonight). I also did an episode of Shimmy last night. I did Mindy Mylrea's All About Legs this morning. This has 4 segments of about 15 mins. each with different equipment (medicine ball, stability ball, step and tubing and discs (or paper plates on carpet)). I did the medicine ball one (used an 8# dbbl instead) and the stability ball one. They were both challenging. The one with the ball reminded me of Cathe in B&G, Drill Max and PLB with the excitement of Patrick Goudeau (saying oh my gosh) and a little bit of Tony in Legs & Back (some similar exercises). I really liked these and they're good for quick add-ons when I want more leg work. There were also some good exercises on the ball to work balance as well as one-legged deadlifts with the medicine ball. She also does plyo moves with the medicine ball.
I'm really liking the Kickbox in the 4DS (except for some of the jumping jacks - I really hate jumping jacks.) Some of this workout reminded me a little of Tony in Kenpo X with some of the drills and blocks. I liked the long warmup as it just seemed part of the workout and not necessarily a warmup.
I'm going to a Healthy Eating seminar at work. I wonder if they're going to say anything I don't already know.
Deanie - Happy Anniversary! Have fun celebrating tonight. I'm going on 15 years in February. So are you happy with Legs in 4DS? I'll probably get my results by tomorrow but I think everything will be fine. Congratulations on winning the X DVDs!
You got some great bargains! Ab Ripper X is also on Chest, Shoulders & Tris. It's on all the strength workouts. All you need now is Shoulders & Arms and Legs & Back. Chest, Shoulders & Tris is the toughest workout IMO. I guess you won't have to do a "faux X" anymore. You should look into getting a Door Gym. I got mine from Karate Depot. You can also get them on Amazon. It literally goes up and down in seconds. Make sure you measure all your doorways first before buying though. It only fits in my bedroom doorway. I get plenty of cardio running up and down to do my chinups and pullups.
Tracee - I also get a little dizzy from the suicide runs. I think it's from staying in a crouched position for so long. What makes the workouts long for me is constantly changing weights. I try to set up as much as possible but I don't have all the weights I need to make it a nice smooth transition. A mammo isn't that bad and it doesn't really hurt. I started getting mine at 35 only because my mother had breast cancer.
Gin - I'm so glad you got a good night's sleep last night and had a good workout.
Gin/Tracee: DWTS - I could only FF through quickly as I was on the phone with my son last night. IIRC, Helio and Max did great and I think they will both wind up in the final. I never got to vote
I think either Marie or Cameron will go home. I don't remember Jennie's second performance.
BBL. Have a great day.