GDMT~ * ~Fantastical Friday


Good Morning GMT

Today was MM. I now dub this my new second favorite endurance workout! It was hard and fun! I matched Cathe with all weights, but went higher for tri. over head press- she used 15#, I used my plate mates and did 17.5#:) By the time the band work with kickbacks was over, my arms were SHAKIN'!!!}( Endurance work is hard!!!but I am really enjoying it!:)

I went to Mahjong last night, and my friend there who also works in the same nursery school gave me her costume from last year. This year she is going as Queen Ester, so I am using her cowgirl outfit from last year. She gave me suede chaps (very cool) a vest, and straw cowboy hat! Yee Ha! And now I can relax this weekend;-)

Gin~ What did you end up doing today? I think today was a rest day. Do you feel better? I hope so.

Marcy~ What body part today? I am keeping positive thoughts for you and your house situation! I thought about trying to throw in a pullup today, but by the end of my workout, my arms were fried!

Have a great weekend~ I am looking forward to more blog pictures

Off to wake up the little guy, DH was home for bedtime last night, and DS8 was up late playig his game boy, it will NOT be fun waking him up in a moment:p x(
Good Morning DMT!

I was THINKING about doing MM today, but slept until 6:30 and I am still not feeling well!x( My muscles ache all over and I am tired. When will I feel back to normal?:( I'm hoping that I'll be able to do MM this aft. MM was the first Cathe dvd I purchased.
Today at school we have our Easter egg hunt and picnic/party. It has been nice having just 5 children all week.

Deanie--Good Job on MM! Strong triceps! Glad you have your costume taken care of. Hope it wasn't too tough waking ds up. Thanks for the congrats on taking the 5 year old position. I think I will wait until after Spring Break to tell the director. It will be more work, longer hours but the $ is better. It should be, right? And sometimes you get children with behavior problems.

Marcy--I have not received Yoga Shakti yet. I think there was a slight wait for it. I'll let you know.

Please send positive vibes my way so that I'll feel well enough to do MM this aft!:)

Have a great day!
Good Morning DGT!

This morning was Total Body Plus. I used pretty much the same weights as last time but went up on one of the tricep exercises (used 16#). This is more of an endurance workout and most of the leg moves are non-weighted which I love. I used 10# on the squats and lunges. There are lots of pullups and pushups again. The only annoying thing was when he did 3/3/3 and 1/1 which are lunge, pushup and pullup and pushup/pullup. I would up bringing up my weights to my bedroom for the exercise since that's where my pull-up bar is. The pushup/pullup is annoying because it gets my HR up too high going from the ground to the pullup bar and I need to slow my HR down to hopefully be able to do a chinup/pullup. The chinups aren't just regular chinups. On one exercise, you do a chin and then act like you're running for three counts. I lost count of how many chins/pulls I did but it wasn't many.

I finally got some news about my house. My buyer just got our signed contract this week and we signed it two weeks ago today. I know my atty sent it out the same day but I'm sure hers took awhile to get it to her. She says the closing on her house will be very soon and she's going to start applying for a mortgage. Hallelujah!

Deanie - Hope you were able to wake up your little guy without too much fuss. I was actually thinking this morning about doing MM next week. Maybe I'll do the upper body premix and one of Mindy's leg workouts. Glad you got a costume together.

Gin - Sorry you're not back to normal yet. It took me a couple of weeks before I was back to normal. I was so weak and had lost 10 pounds in a week which was not the way I would have liked to lose 10#. Sending positive vibes your way!:) Maybe you could do the timesaver premix (56 mins.) Congrats on taking the position for next year! Hope it works out for you. Have fun at your Easter egg hunt/party/picnic.

Have a great day.

Hi Again!

I'm sure I have missed you guys, but.....

I had to report that I just finished MM.....YEAH!! Felt so good to be able to do it. Hopefully I am on the mend now!:)
I am leaving tomorrow-Mon. to go to Houston. I can only do cardio while there and will check-in if I can, but not sure about my mother's computer!?!?

Marcy--I am so impressed with your pullup and chinup ability!:p Good news about the house!:) You must have had the stomach bug to have lost 10# in a week. That doesn't sound good!

Deanie--Will you be working out while on vacation or will you take off from exercise?


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