Gay Gaspers CIA Two Jammin workouts ?


Hi there,
Does anyone own this video ? If so, what are you views on it ?
Worth investing in ?

Many thanks

I have this tape, and I have never done it. The first portion, hi/lo, looks like a space hog, and I don't think the moves themselves really have anything to keep me interested in the workout. The step/kickboxing section, however, is what I am keeping the tape for. Haven't done this part yet, either, but it looks fun, and I will hold on to this tape until afer I have tried it to decide on whether o keep it or not. I have such a backlog of kickbox tapes to try that I haven't gotten to this yet. I like Gay though, I think she is a very good instructor.
I had it but traded it away. I liked Gay a lot--she cues pretty well, is motivating, and has no annoying habits that I can think of ;-) . The hi-lo is a good intro to hi-lo and/or a low to moderate level workout for those who want to keep it lower impact. I tried Gay before I tried Christi, and I think she was a good transition--more choreography than Cathe's hi-lo, but a straight jump into Christi may have been too much. The beginning music is the warmup music from Imax, which is actually what got me to get the tape in the first place.
I enjoyed the second part of the video, but for some reason my back would always hurt after I did it. It alternates little choreographed kickbox sections with little step combos. It was really pretty fun.
I only traded it because I never used it--too addicted to Christi cardio. I think I got a Franny tape for it, which is seeing a little more use...
If you need some less-intense-than-Cathe tapes, I would say this is a good one. It might be available on I don't know how much their shipping is, but they usually have some sort of discount going on.
Hope that helps,
I like both workouts on the video. I used them quite often after I had my last baby, and after a long break was surprised at how easy they were after I was back in shape again. They are good for low impact days.


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