Gas Prices


What are the gas prices like where you live? Right now for regular it is $2.19 a gallon. I can't believe how quickly the prices are rising. I have a Ford Explorer and it is costing me over $40 to fill it. Ridiculous!
$2.23 is the lowest around here for regular unleaded. Last week I got gas for $2.13, later that day it jumped to $2.16, then on up again to where it stands now.

When I started getting gas it cost $.80/gallon:eek:
When I started, it cost 42 cents a gallon, but guess what? I'm not 16 anymore, and the world is using up a lot of a very limited resource.

I think it will hit $3.00 a gallon by next year. That's what I've been reading on news sites.
>When I started, it cost 42 cents a gallon, but guess what?
>I'm not 16 anymore, and the world is using up a lot of a very
>limited resource.

I realize that the price is going to change and that I'm not 16, I was just commenting on the differences.
On Sunday, it was $2.22 - I haven't really checked since then (but I should, since I need to fill up soon).

I am soooooo happy that I bought a Honda Civic last year. Fuel economy was one of the things I wanted in a car, and I really wanted a hybrid, but my husband talked me out of it, so I just got the regular Civic. I still get about 35 mpg, which is awesome. The car I was driving before only got about 22 mpg. But I kind of wish I had gotten the hybrid now. :(
We pay per litre here. It's around 92 cents. There are 3.79 litres in a US gallon. Therefore, we are paying $3.49 per gallon. *gulp*
Today it is $2.24, but a couple days ago it was $2.33. From the news reports I've been hearing, by summer the price per gallon should be at least $2.50.

DH's full size truck costs $45 to fill up right now. The gas prices are crazy. However, we (the US) have been lucky for a long time. I only say that because I heard a year or so ago about other countries paying sometimes $3.00 or more and they were pretty much laughing at us for complaining about the puny amount we pay. I wonder how much they have to pay now.
I just got gas this morning at the cheapest place around me but I didn't even bother to look at the prices...I didn't want to throw up.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I paid $2.11 this morning at what is usually the cheapest gas station around (25 miles north of Boston). The average seems to be around $2.15. That's today. Tomorrow it could be more and probably will be. :(


"Don't forget to breathe!"
The cheapest here is $2.38! We also drive a ford explorer. I make sure I'm not the last one to drive so I don't have to get stuck with the bill from everyone else.
This is 70 miles northeast of the grand canyon.

~Reece Out~

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