Gas - Beano

I use a similar supplement that's just an enzyme complex. Our bodies don't produce an enzyme to break down the fiber present in beans, so all that fiber kind a ferments and lets off this gas and hence we get gas. By taking the enzyme supplement your body is better able to break down those fibers. It's great stuff I highly reccomend it. Also, mine contains several different enzymes lactase(to help digest the lactose in dairy),etc.
Someone mentioned taking psyllium, I strongly recommend you stay away from it. It seriously dehydrates you. It's just marketing that has gotten people to take it. It's high in fiber, and pitched as a laxative but it's such an astringent it will dry you up like a raisin! It's already difficult for me to get enough water in my body. The last thing I want is to take something that demands I drink twice the amount I'm supposed to normally.
Hi Heather!
I have a question about the dehydration. Does the ingredient in Citrucell (Methylcellulose) do the same to your body as psyllium? My doctor recommended it as a substitute for the psyllium. Just thought you might have info on that. Thanks, Nancy~~~
I don't know, my experience is from an herbal medicine point of view. Psyllium is the seeds from the plantain plant. I did read that citrucell can also dehydrate people, and requires lots of water as well. There are other laxatives that can be used, also looking at foods that might help. I try to address my own health through food first, then natural remedies (that don't require major time spent on them), then conventional remedies. All have their place.

Good luck,
Another thing about beans: if you are cooking them from scratch, soak them overnight and DISCARD THE SOAK WATER, which will contain some of the sugars that cause gas. Another option is to germinate the beans (soak overnight, drain and rinse, then let sprout for 2-3 days, rinsing 2-3 times a day). This activates an enzyme in the bean itself that aids in its digestion (sprouting/germinating activates enzymes that help with digestion of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the particular foods they are in. It also increases the nutritional value many times over.)
I second the enzymes -- They have really made a difference for me. I've tried both beano and lactase enzymes with no luck. Rexall's multi enzyme formula is what helps me. It can be found at WalMart. The tablets are kind of stinky, but they make me much less stinky later! Just be sure to take one or two before food or with your first few bites for the best results. My experience has been if I forget & take it later, it doesn't do much good.

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