Gals Premenopausal/A Little Testosterone?


I have been reading how as some women age we may need a little testosterone as our hormonal levels change to help us with our endurance levels and for that stubborn fat. Has anyone else read about this as well and if you are older and are on some testosterone, how are you feeling?

I am very curious as to how the testosterone is delivered? via pill, injection, cream????
inquiring minds want to know????

I am 40 and have been peri-menopausing for about 4 years already:mad:
I am curious about the way it is taken in as well, I think I remember an article Cathe had posted in her blog regarding older women and hormonal imbalances and I believe she mentioned testosterone among other things. I know it keeps coming up in various articles and I am really curious if anyone on this forum has already tried it or is on it.
I would be interested in learning more about this, too. The little bit I read about it when I first went into perimenopause kind of scared me away, as it mentioned an increase in facial hair - I've got enough of that now as it is! LOL:eek: My gyno's weaning me off hormone replacement therapy, so I'm dealing with the headaches & moodiness & hot flashes. I hate it!
I had a complete hysterectomy 7 years ago, the day before my 46th birthday.

Crashing into instant menopause was an unbelievable nightmare for me. I suffered for almost 10 months with night sweats (up to 13 soaking sweats per night), night terrors, hot flashes, stomach pains and nausea, vaginal dryness so it hurt to walk. Extreme, I know.

I went through pills, patches, compounded hormones, and even tried a round of the antidepressant Effexor. I tried to go cold turkey with no hormones, that was not an option.

I did all the textbook things that are supposed to help you through. I am a personal trainer and had been exercising for 20 years, I always ate a low fat diet with soy products. My weight was right where was supposed to be. I did yoga, took omega complexes - for me no help at all.

I changed gynos 5 times - I was beginning to think I was losing my mind.

I lost almost 20 pounds . My fitness level went down drastically because I literally couldn't sleep more than an hour straight.

(Sorry it took so long to get to this but I wanted to give you some background)

I finally found a male gyno (the first 5 were women) he was amazing. His wife (also a personal trainer) suffered pretty much the same things.

This is what he prescribed:

FemRing - a vaginal ring that delivers a low dose of estrogen which eliminated, almost instantly, the dryness. It stays inserted for three months then I change it. Can't feel it at all.

Estrogel (estradoil gel) - It comes in a pump dispenser. I initally started with two full pumps per day, rubbed into my forearm. Now I am down to about a 1/2 pump per day.

Androgel -this is a testoterone gel which I use 3 times per week, just about a lima bean size amount. It is not FDA approved for women so my insurance company will not cover it - but it is so worth it.

I got monthly bloodwork for the first 3 months, then bi-monthly, then bi-annual. Now just annual. I can pretty much tell for myself how my levels are.

If the estrogen is too low the hot flashes, night sweats start. If the testosterone is too low believe or not I get night terrors and kinda lose interest in sex. If it's too high the acne pops up and I notice more hair in the shower drain.

I have to say that for the past 5 years I feel great. My weight returned to normal, my fitness level is better than ever. I feel like me and for a very long time I didn't.

Now don't forget I had a complete hysterectomy, women who go through menopause and still have their uterus have far more issues with hormone replacement than I do.

My advice is talk to your doctor, if you don't like what they tell you or if it isn't working for you find another one.

This was probably way more than any one wanted to know about me :eek: but it is a subject that I am very passionate about. There is so much misinformation about menopause that it is often difficult to find what you need.

Debbie Russo
Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much for your post. That is the type of information and experience I was hoping I would see on the post. I really needed to hear someone else's experience and the things that you had to go through in order to get the help you needed to feel good again. I will talk to my doctor about those various items, although, I think I may have to try someone else, she tends to be very by the book, anything new, may or may not work and she often is not willing to try it.

Thanks again.
& I don't know about you, Ivy, but my co-pay alone is $50. So, I really can't afford to shop doctors! Word of mouth is great - IF you can find someone who already has a good dr... That's the frustrating part - no one I know has a gyno that's sympathetic to these issues.
I've been dealing with this for a while now, I'm 54. Yesterday I had another blood workup done to see how my levels are doing. I did a saliva test a couple years ago which you check off all kinds of symptoms you are having. My hormones were all over the place and I started on Estradiol cream, which I rub onto my forearm twice a day. Later, Progesterone cream was added once a day, skipping Sunday 6 months ago they saw my testosterone was on the low side and with this latest bloodwork we will see if it is increasing or not, and if not, they will add something for that. I have found by doing this, my energy has increased, menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, sleepless nights, headaches, acne, etc. have almost disappeared. the hot flashes have started back a bit as have the sleepless nights, so I think they have to adjust the levels again. I do have go back each 6 months for the checkups, but if I keep with the good results, it is so worth it.
I know about the high cost of medical care, my co-pay is high as well. I wish the medical profession as a whole would come around to the idea of hormonal balance, but it seems as though they are behind in what the consumer seems to be finding out about the body. I guess I am talking about more of a holistic approach, treating the hormones as well as everything else. I will bring the issue up to my doctor, but again, I don't know if she will listen to the idea.
You probably think I'm nuts, but I'll put it out there anyway. And it's been many years since then. It may be different now perhaps.

I wanted also testosterone for my low libido. Went to my doctor, and she said some women will grow a somewhat larger than normal part of the body going south. If you know what I mean. When she said that I didn't even give it a try. She also said once it's out there it doesn't return to normal size. She also said most women do just fine, but if I know me, it most likely be me that it would happen to. Yuck!

Giving info that may not want to be heard, but hey, that kind of info bothered me into telling you anyway.

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That would be scary! I noticed you said it has been many years since you recieved that information, I think things are different now. I think they may have a way to figure out the correct dosages for women and the right amounts. It is probably safer now.
It can be frustrating when relaying symptoms to doctors, some act like the symptoms are all in your head. Has anyone tried the hormonal creams you can get at the health food stores
I have gotten the progesterone cream and that helps somewhat, but as far as I know these other items like estridol and testosterone you have to get from a doctor, and this is so that they can monitor you while you are on these things and give you the correct dose.
Talk to your doctor.....I did, she recommended hormone cream....she said any side effects I couldn't live with would be reversed if I discontinued far after about a year I have a little extra hair on my arms (where cream is applied) more energy, great sex drive, and a happy husband. Not covered by insurance cost about $36. every two month ...worth is to me
Me too

I have been having issues, too, and I really appreciate you all commenting. My OB/GYN did every test imaginable with a probe because she said '48 was too young for peri-menopause' and now has disappeared on some personal time, and the next OB/GYN wants to put me on birth control pills and repeat all those tests with probes - again. I told her that I had my tubes tied at 30 because I couldn't stand the side effects of the pills, she said 'well, they are much different now'. Yeah, ok, well that's the same pill that I took back then :(

I'm on the lookout for another OB/GYN now. Heavy sigh.

Nice to know about the creams!
sorry, no info for you bot i know how you feel, my ob/gyn tried to give me birth control also
My friend SWEARS by the pellets; a combo of all three hormones and it's inserted into her skin (insision) on her bottom. She said she feels alive again and won't ever accept the "getting older so deal with it" answer again.
For those of you shopping around for a doctor, check to see if your insurance plan offers a "concierge" service. Some of the more progressive plans provide a care advocate who will help you find doctors, scheduled appointments, etc.

I am close to fifty, now and I take HRT, and it has helped me a great deal. I hope this helps you all.

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