Hi. I'll tell you, if you are watching what you eat and trying to lose weight while breastfeeding, be sure that you have a calorie quality plan from your doctor. You need more calories during breastfeeding, at least 500 more a day. You're body may be trying to store fat because you aren't eating enough. However, if you are eating just right, and it is only muscle, then stop worrying about your weight on the scale and check out how your clothes are fitting.
A lot of times, when you create new muscle your clothing fits differently, maybe even tighter, giving you the false impression that you are gaining fat or that you are getting bigger, when actually, your body is just toning up. You're pants may be more snug because your muscles are a bit more perky, but the fat layer hasn't gone away, which of course makes you appear bigger. Don't worry. Give it the proper amount of tiem. This being 3 months. It takes litterally 3 months for the average person to burn off fat and tone muscles to perfection. The average person being 10-20 lbs over weight.
Now you, are not the average person, you are breastfeeding, and your body is recovering from pregnancy, therefore it may take longer. I know the story of "you burn more calories while breastfeeding" this only means that you need more calories to sustain your breastmilk supply. Many woman are falsly under the impression that they will lose weight faster by breasfeeding. This is only true for some fortunate woman, not all. Usually, when a woman stops breastfeeding the weight just melts off within a month, at least most woman I know. This doesn't mean to stop breastfeeding, I encourage you to keep it up. Your baby is what's most important right now, not your size or your weight.
Also, your milk supply adds weight to you. Keep that in mind. I wouldn't work on a serious weight loss plan until you have stopped breastfeeding. A woman's body is very sensitive during this time, you could overwork your system and cause hormonal imbalances which cause numorous difficulties, just to name a few...headaches, migrains, dizzyness, susceptiblility to bacterial infections, yeast infections, blah, blah, you get the point.
Once you have stopped breastfeeding, allow yourself a month to thoroughly recover, and let your hormones adjust again. Then you can push yourself with workouts and you will see a difference that's desired. Until then, try to focus on your baby, not your body. you can still steer clear of sugar saturated carbs, and exercising is still fine, just don't expect a desired change until your body has recovered from breastfeeding.
OH yeah, and your hunger......try eating smaller meals more often rather than 3 big meals a day, perhaps you are having some fluctuations in your harmones because of the adjustments you're trying to make with your eating. It's amazing what hormones do. Here's a tip. When you take your daily vitamin, take it with your meal, because vitamins often cause cravings and if taken alone, can cause you to feel hungry. Secondly, drink more water, or any caffien free, calorie free liquids as often as possible. Surprisingly, your body doesn't know the difference between any liquid and water, so you don't have to drowned yourself with plain water, any liquid will work, and help you feel more full throughout the day. Good luck and take your time. You'll get there inevitably if you don't give up.;-)