Gained too many holiday lbs. already... HELP!


HELP! I went the the dr yesterday and I am up almost 10 lbs. from the last time I was weighed 2 months ago!! :mad: When it comes to food I am an endomorph.. too many carbs and I gain weight. I gain muscle very easily though. I guess you could say I'm a meso with endo tendencies. I gotta get this weight off!! Can anyone suggest a good rotation for me to lose these extra lbs.? I workout 5-6 days a week.

Also, Debbie if you ready this, I have read though that if you are a endo you should do longer low-intensity workouts instead of short high-intensity... what do you think of this?

Thank!! I really gotta lose this weight. It sucks and i'm freaking out lol

You poor thing! I feel for ya:( There is nothing worse then going through the holidays with tight pants:eek: For me, my weight as more to do with what I eat instead of what I do.

Right now my suggestion for you would be to just watch it until the New Year approaches or until you see fit to start a new rotation. Smack in the middle of the holidays is a hard time to start losing weight and starting a new rotation. You will probably just miss workouts and then feel like you have failed. Im use to working out over an hour a day, and this time of year, Im lucky to squeeze in 30 mins of cardio.

Try not to over indulge and just get your workouts in, I would focus mainly on cardio...while others would focus on weights. I just find that my body reacts well to cardio.

Try not to get to down. I know extra weight can really play on ones mind.

Enjoy the holidays....just not to much;)

this is going to sound harsh

No, I'm not going to admonish you I meant the rotation!

This works but takes time and kicks my butt.

Day 1: Run with hills (about 45 min.) and intervals. So, that would be a higher speed for 2 minutes with a recovery of 30 seconds or whatever interval feels good. The idea is to run up your heart rate as close to your max as you can handle (this is only good idea for healthy people without hypertension/heart disease etc.) This can be treadmill or outside. Or, sub cycling if you don't like running. But, running always works on my thighs!;)
Day 2: Cathe ckt wo. Pick one, any one will do! Just for us more emphasis on cardio.
Day 3: Steady state run, lower grade, about 60 min.
Day 4: Cathe step workout of your choice, a steady state wo like RS
Day 5: 20 min. run followed by a kick box or jump rope wo of your choice
Day 6: Cathe interval step wo.

Two evenings: yoga! This will make a big difference. It can be just 20 minutes before bed and does not have to feel like a major workout.

If you don't do step substitute cycling or elliptical. And if running is not for you sub speed walking.

Thats what I do when I'm behaving myself:D and feeling well. I sub my aerobics/kick box/jump rope videos for running when its raining (like today.) I wish I had access to a treadmill or elliptical.:(
Thanks you guys!!
Lori- You seem to understand how I feel TOTALLY lol. It just sucks when you have to look nice and know there will be a ton of pictures while feeling like your gut is protruding and you a** looks huge lol. Hope you had a good holiday and have a happy new year!

Rapidbreath- the rotation looks AWESOME and I know if i do it it will make me feel better by the New Years Eve parties I have to attend. Thanks so much! Have a great holiday!

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