Funny Cathe Moment


We got 12" of snow here in Minnesota on Thursday. I usually love shoveling, but just couldn't because I did CTX Kickbox the day before. When my husband came in from the cold, I quick put in the DVD to show him an arm drill so that he would know why I was sore. He said, "Man, she (Cathe) is mean. Cute, but mean. I said, "She's just really aggressive and super motivating! Since I ALWAYS have to have the last word, I put in Step Fit next. I wanted to show him the "Was that a sheep?" part so that he could see how funny and light hearted Cathe can be as well. Of course, all he noticed were the power scissors. "There you go," he said, pointing at the TV, "mean, like a masochist." I said, "No she isn't," and left it at that. Well later, he opened the mail and saw SNM videos on a credit card statement. When I told him that was Cathe's company - oh did he have a field day with that one! I tried to convince him it stood for Step N Motion, but to no avail!
Oh Jilly...

Thanks for the absolutely hilarious laugh!
Cute but mean? Hmmmmmmm...yes, I probably HAVE thought that about Cathe from time to time, but ONLY during Power Sevens (or Power 15's...EEE-GODS!) But then I cool down and I think she's a brilliant genius who is only "giving me" what I need....a little SNM...Hahahahahahahahaha.....Oh my achin' abs...LOL
Lynn Finn
Hahaha, that's great! She is mean to me sometimes and I don't know why, I do nothing but adore her and she makes me do more crazy eights. :( Step N Motion is just a cover for what SNM really stands for. I also get a laugh out of her "is that a sheep??" comment, leave it to Cathe to make me smile when I'm dripping with sweat.
I love the devil icon! Didn't you say that sit and stands were created by Satan? I posted this story in 'Ask Cathe' because I wanted her to read it, but now I realize that it isn't a question. I wish I would have put it in 'Open Discussion.' I feel bad.
RE: Ha, Jill!

I used to get a lot of ribbing about SNM until everyone just got used to it. I had considered putting SNM on my license plate when I first started the company but didn't for this exact reason;-)!

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