Fundraising idea for a nonprofit


I volunteer at a nonprofit feline shelter and everytime we have a monthly meeting they always ask for anyone who would like to step up into a fund raising position. I honestly would like to help out but, #1. I don't think I'm at all qualified #2 I have no clue on where to begin or what to do. I have seen tons of stuff on google but it is so foreign to me.Does anyone have any links, know how, or info on how I can assist my shelter. We ( my children and I) began volunteering there this past March and have grown to love these animals as if they were all mine. I really want to do more to bring some revenue into the shelter but have no idea how to step up.
Sorry, no real ideas of what TO do but maybe what not to do. As a mom, I'm so tired of the school fundraisers that sell junky food nobody needs - pizzas, cookie dough ... Most people I know are watching their weight and don't need this. Maybe partner w/ a local restaraunt or grocery store where a portion of stuff purchased goes to the shelter? Our church has done that with Qdoba (mexican food) where if you go there and present something a portion goes to the church. But there are healthy choices there. Our school earlier this year partnered w/ a garden nursery and had a plant sale. What about volunteers to do yard work (I live in MI so we're facing leaf raking in the future) and their "pay" goes to the shelter. Okay, guess I did have some ideas. I"m just so sick of catalogs of selling stuff that are so full of crap nobody needs.

It's an animal shelter - could volunteers offer to watch pets for people on vacation or do walking w/ the money going to the shelter?

Well, my own zoo of kids is calling. Good job volunteering. It's the dirty work nobody wants to do.

Look around for local artists who would be willing to donate a piece of work and then throw an auction either online or in person. You could do a gallery opening at an inexpensive place such as an industrial location. A local art association might be able to help. Artists are often very giving people. Advertise online, get on cable access, call the local radio station, make a podcast (audio is easy.) and really drum up business. Find a local video/photographer to help put it together, if there is a local university you might try their art/photography/communications department. Don't pick someone who is on pot;). Be sure to make flyers and visit lots of businesses where people have good jobs, where I live that would be Intel, Seimens, and Hewlett Packard. But, you get the idea.

I hope that helps,


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