Fun & doable BM2!


I really enjoyed this workout this morning. I used 1 set of risers instead of 2.

Select the Cardio & Weight premix. Do as is. After Abs I went back to Chapters and selected Power Circuits. I did those as is with weights.

You still get the whole workout in but it is a lot more fun because of the breaks for weights. Peggy
Thanks for the recommendation! I'm trying to find a way to tolerate this workout as I HATE the music (at least the stuff past the cardio). Grating and shrill to my ears. There are many other forum members who really dig the music on this workout, but I"m not one of them!

Susan L.G.
Funny you should post this, I did the B-Max2 Cardio and Weights pre mix for the first time this morning and really liked it, familiar but fresh. I'll definitely do what you suggested next time. I'm always amazed at how many options we have with Cathe's workouts. I wanted more upper body today so I added on the 'heavy weight' pre mix from the original C&W for a lovely upper body burn:)

Take Care
Laurie, That is a great idea adding C&W "heavy weight"...I'll try that myself. Thank You. I really dreaded doing BM2, so I am happy I can now do it on a regular basis. You are so right about the premixes, its like having a whole new workout...Happy exercising..Peggy

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