I know, right in the middle of the power lunges you are thinking, "More? After this? Anything this hard should be enough!"
I love the 25er, but I will admit to only 6 inches on my step by the time I got to BMax step. I usually try to match the step height that Cathe uses, but MIC Hi/Lo always wipes me out!
And what a great idea to sub for the multidisc dvd player! I'll hook up my laptop next time.
And with the official AJock seal of approval ;-) I'll offer up one of my fave step mish moshes, called:
"The Challenge Challenge"
WU of Rythmic Step then go right into the Challenge
CTX All-Step "Blasts" near end of third combo
MIC Blasts at end of step portion
Step Blast Challenge, Cool Down, Stretch
A word of warning, be sure to have RS down pat b/c there is no breakdown to remind you of the routines, you may want to review it once quickly before you start, same with SB if you find it difficult or are new to the workout.
This one is intense, but not a "nosebleeder"