Full time work and working out?

I work out after work - an snowball would fare better in hell than I would working out in the morning! I start my workout anywhere from 4 pm to 6 pm depending on how busy I am at work. It is indeed tough NOT to sit on the couch first thing, but as A-jock said above, it is a real energizer. I always think I'm going to collapse in an exhausted heap by the end, but then I end up getting so many misc. chores done in the evenings.

Where ever you can fit it in, and make sure that you don't blow it off - that's when you should do it.
I work out first thing in the AM because I am most definately a morning person. Actually, I'm really up and doing things for 30 - 45 minutes or so before I get started. The biggest drawback for me is that I have to go to bed so early to get enough sleep that I really have no night life. I can't even think about going to a late movie. I don't watch any tv that might last past 9 pm! I am simply not able to adjust my go-to-bed & get-up times to be flexible for this on the weekends. So this is something to consider. Are you able to adjust your schedule from day to day? Or are you willing to give up night life? One other suggestion is to always make your "day off" during the week so at least one day of the work week you can either sleep later (-er) or let it go in the evening. -joy
First off, I am NOT a morning person. But I do work out first thing in the morning. I work full time and am a mom to a busy toddler. I have to work out before he wakes up. If I wait until evenings, life gets in the way. Occasionally I do evenings (if I have a very early work day) and I hate having to take two showers each day when I do that. But different things work for different people. You just need to experiment. I had to really convert myself to becoming a morning exerciser b/c I hate mornings!! But now it's just the natural thing to do. Yes, I still snooze and hate getting out of bed. But now I know that once I'm up, I'm up!

I workout in the evening usually at 7:30 and try to end at 8:30 so that by 9 I can put my son to bed. I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. so there's NO WAY I'm getting up any earlier. I'm not a morning person. You can try getting up at 4:30 to see if that works for you; otherwise try it when you get home from work. Don't know if I've been much help. Kathy

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