Frustrating Situation Tonight at Mentor Meeting


Need to vent a bit.

Tonight, I attended a Mentor meeting for the program I am in to transition to a new job. It is designed for older professionals to redefine careers.
The program started on Tuesday of this week, met on Wednesday and this event tonight.

The issue is that I was cornered by a person whom had to "put me in my place" because I put parking information for others on where to park at a major university in a downtown location. I took the time to drive down there to scope the situation out to make sure I made it on time. This person told me that there was no reason to send everyone to security to get parking permits when this location was open, I told her numerous times that I contacted the University and that was the instruction. Then, she went on to say that I'm not responsible for other adults, which is partially true, but I thought I would share what I have learned. My response was some adults are worse than kids on issues.
Myself, having followed the instruction of the University, got a parking pass allowing me to park close to the facility. Supposively, where she parked was close but my walk was much shorter and safer. She told me that she had done conferences there and never had to do that so I kept repeating what the University instructed. OMG.

This group, the organizers are strongly encouraging everyone to work together. We all been out of work and are stressed because of it then you add on a whole packed program full of information and involvement.

Thankful, I didn't let her walk all over me. She knew I will not take her crap.It was not professional. I was thanked by a few for investigating the parking situation. She got me when no one else was around too. It's stupid stuff like this that will hinder some relationships from growing or bonding.

Thanks for lettng me vent.
She sounds like an idiot. Hard to ignore when someone singles you out like that, but seriously, she has issues, why would she care if you give some friendly advice on where to park?? That's just odd.
I dont blame you for needing to vent. What the hell, you were trying to be helpful plus you took the time to be well informed. She's jealous of you.

Jen I'm so sorry to hear about this! She should have recognized you had a great sense of organization and planning, which is a very important skill, I think, especially when it comes to chose someone for a job.
Don't let this thing ruin your evening, and just let it go. And give her another opportunity: who knows, maybe before the end of the course you'll become friends, even if the beginning hasn't been one of the best ones ;)

I dont blame you for needing to vent. What the hell, you were trying to be helpful plus you took the time to be well informed. She's jealous of you.


WHY is this always the standard response when someone complains about a woman? Aren't we a bit more evolved than this instant assumption? Please give us women more credit. All women are not jealous. All confrontations are not caused by jealous women. Sarah, I hope you won't take this personally, but the "she's jealous" response just pushes my buttons.:confused:

JT, I am thinking you should let it go. The only thing we can control is our response to others. Take the high road, and let her behavior provide you with a lesson in how not to act. :)
Thank you for your support and encouragement. Last night, I was stunned that I was approached for making lives a little easier with the stress that's already there.
JeanneMarie, I agree with you on many levels and I agree with Sarah because not all women are evolved. I do not know her motivation for her actions and don't care BUT I am taking the high road because the growth and the bonding of the group is bigger and more important than her ego or mine.
JeanneMarie- I do think as women we to compare ourselves to each other, too much. Therefore jealousy often is a feeling even if it's just a litte feeling.
With that being said, I am the kind of person that would totally take the high road and let it go and keep trying to befriend her. Afterall I cannot imagine the sort of amount of stress Jen, and all of the others in the mentoring program are in. No hard feelings. PS You have an awesome at home gym that I am jealous of.

JT I volunteer at an agency where a psychiatrist often says this line "I have learned in life that when I try to do everything right, and right turns out wrong, then wrong must be right".

I share this 'cos although your interaction with this woman was irritating and obviously unnecessary, maybe there was something meant for you to learn about yourself e.g. that even when challenged, you are still able to respond politely, professionally and with grace - all the while not taking someone else's crap. Not everyone can do that. Just exploring possibilities.

Or.... maybe the situation was more like a quote from Judge Judy - she says "no good deed goes unpunished". :confused:
I think you are correct on both accounts. Very thankful I was able to keep my cool and not blow up.
And, today was a great day with getting stuff done.


Tomorrow I am taking a seminar on dealing with difficult people. I am hoping to learn coping skills for dealing with that kind of person!

PLEASE share what you learn from this seminar. It will be great to know what they suggest. Thanks.

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