Frustrated with results

I mentioned my disappointment with Freestyle because I was really hoping this would do the trick for me. I spent $35 on a book that was written in the 1980's and didn't really give me any more information than I already had.

If you are consuming 1200 calories a day and burning off sometimes 600 calories a day just in exercise, of course you are going to lose weight. That's just common sense, IMHO.

Sorry to sound so negative but that's how I feel about my results.
But each and every one of us has to search for what works for our individual bodies and lifestyle.

Good luck :)
I hope someone is still around to answer my questions.

I checked those websites out - that was very helpful. My question is - they are working their legs daily but it looks like they are using little to no weight - am I correct in this? Would you consider a step video a leg workout? Is my treadmill day a leg workout or would you add leg work on top on that? Should I cut down my cardio length to fit in time for leg work - I only have an hour?

Thanks again so much for your time, opinions and expertise. It's so wonderful to have a forum to discuss these matters I was on my own for so many years and as you can tell by my experience with the gym and 'experts' in this geographic area they haven't been very helpful. I mentioned on another thread that I saw a PT a few years ago (the same gym I got my bodyfat measured) and she suggested because of the size of my thighs that I stop leg work all together. I followed her "expert" advice. In 2 years my thigh size never decreased and after trying pilates for the first time I could hardly walk the next day!!! Now I think I've erred in the opposite direction and have been using too heavy weights.

I feel so grateful to have found this board - and so helped!!! You are the best!!!


As I remember, weights used should be no more than 70% of the maximum amount you can lift for legs. For me, I usually used 40, so I reduced the weight I used for legs to 25-30 lbs. No, the treadmill is not conisdered a leg workout by Freestyle definition, neither would a step video...those are considered cardio. If you're like me and cut down your cardio for leg work, your legs may bulk up even more. Freestyle is basically working your legs 4-6 days a week with weights added to what you are already doing for cardio and upper body.

I do alot of cardio... I jog 5 to 6 days a week... about 2 miles, if I can't get outside I use my exercise bike or run in place... I also do Taebo cardio....
And freestyle was only a suggestion, I was just trying to be helpful cause it has worked for me, thats all.....
If you don't think its for you, thats cool.... Rhonda:7
Hi Elaine,

I'm "resurrecting" this post as I'm curious if you continued with the 6 days per week lowerbody work and what your results have been.



>Hi Trish,
>Check out this website for Wendy McCaffrey,
> She's a fitness model. Click
>on the Diet & Training page, and then on the Big Butt
>Management link. Look at her butt! Isn't it great? She has a
>leg workout that she performs 5 days a week. I have taken her
>recommendations and am doing my own leg workouts 6 days a
>week, so I guess this follows Freestyle training, though I'm
>not doing the specific exercises outlined in the book. I just
>rotate Cathe's lower body workouts. I've only been doing this
>for a few weeks, so I can't really tell the results yet. (My
>legs have always been firm, but I'd like smaller thighs.) But
>if you look at her before/after pics, that's a pretty good
>sell for working legs several times a week, eh?
>Hope this helps,
Trish, if you usually gain 10 pounds and you didn't, that's something to be really proud of! Do you by any chance store your body fat in your thighs? If you do and you lay down muscle underneath, they get bigger. How much cardio did you fit in? Strength is great, but if you want ot reduce body fat, it must be burned off and cardio is the way to go. The Imaxes are an amazing substitute for the intensity of running, I found.

But why did you quit chocolate? Your diet is clean, treat yourself occasionally! Trust me. You won't be nearly as frustrated if you know chocolate happens every now and again!

You are doing a wonderful job! Don't get discouraged. In the past, I have used alternating rotations which focused on the two things separately. Six weeks of emphasizing more intense cardio with moderate weights followed by 6 weeks of emphasizing strength with moderate cardio, heavy weights. It was quite effective. My goal was larger muscles (I'm an ecto) and blasting my very specifically stored fat. I think it would work for anyone though. The change up defeats plateaus before they can take hold.

Chin up, lady! You did a wonderful job and spring is springing up all over. Time to get new running shoes! Good luck! :)

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
Bobbi - thanks for resurrecting this thread! I'm afraid I've fallen off the band wagon since I posted that.

Frustration + PMS + Easter + a cyst = OD on chocolate eggs + great discouragement

I've had cysts before and my dr. wants me to wait until TOM to see if it cycles out on its own (that's happened before too.) In the meantime I'm a week late, and I was feeling at an all-time low today. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

Hey, and I just bought a new pair of shoes!!! (How'd you know?)


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