Fruit and fat grams


Hi everyone,

Does fruit (with the exception of avocado) contain fat grams ?
Or, is it the sugar content you have to be careful with ?
Very curious

I don't think many fruits (except avocados and cocoanuts) have much fat at all. Have you tried searching for a fat gram calculator on the web?

As for avoiding fruit because of sugar content--there are carbs in fruits, both simple and complex, probably varies from one type of fruit to another, but it comes linked to fiber, which is healthier than eating processed carbs that have little or no fiber.
I don't think you have to be cautious of the fat or sugar in fruit. Just eat is very good for you. I cannot think of a fruit off of the top of my head that has significant fat..unless an avocado is a fruit...can't remember. And the fiber boost gives you extra bang for your buck.

There's no fat in fruit. There are certain fruits that are higher in sugar than other fruits (grapes, watermelon), but most fruits are relatively low in sugar and are good for you (canteloupe, peaches, plums, apples, oranges, pears) compared to more processed foods. If you're worried about too much sugar, watch out for dried fruit; when the water is removed from fruit, the sugar becomes so concentrated it is like eating candy.

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