friendly pet reminder


from your resident vet!:p

Ahh...Halloween is upon us! It's that time of year (like Easter and Valentine's Day) when we get the onslaught of not only calls about candy and pets, but doing fun things like...inducing a 75 lb. lab to vomit up 40 chocolate kisses (with wrappers, of course)!

I'm sure everyone knows about the dangers of chocolate, but also beware of xylitol toxicity. These are the new artificial sweeteners that became big during the "low carb" frenzy - it's in candy, candy bars, and gum too. It is very's a link to a poor little girl that lost her beloved puppy to xylitol toxicity. Very sad!

So, just giving everyone the heads up - watch them poochies and that candy.

Ok, end of public service announcement and thank you for your time,:D

Also, if possible keep unattended pets indoors for the 24 hours or so during Halloween. Sadly there are some messed up folks out there who do bad stuff to animals, especially black cats, during Halloween. It's just a better idea to keep them in and safe.

Great post!!

My boxer ate an entire package of chocolate covered oreo cookies. I have two boxers, and didn't know which one ate the box. My vet had me administer peroxide to induce vomiting.
OMG, what a mess!!! What's worse, my poor boxer girl didn't have one drop of chocolate in her stomach. My boy, Maximus ate the entire box. Mercedes had to pay the price for his counter surfing:(
Thanks for the heads up.

Ah, yes - the chocolate eating dog!!! DH had put a bag of Dove chocolates in our closet for safe hiding for me for Valentine's day one year. Somehow, my Spyro got in our room - the door must've not been closed tight - and into the closet and ate a WHOLE BAG of dark chocolate. I came home to chocolate yacked up all over the off-white carpet in my living room. The dog was acting fine. I was glad he didn't die, but I sure was about ready to kill him. I scrubbed carpet for hours that evening!!


not only has my dog ate 2 lbs of Hershey's kisses (went to pet Hosp) He keeps eating sugarless gum. After he was in the hospital for three days we have a strict no sugarless gum policy in our house. The problem is when friends of my kids come over they have it on them and he finds it. We have had to induce vomiting many times. Please be careful with sugarless gum and your doggies!!!
WOW, Shelsmaha.
I had no idea fake sugar was so toxic for dogs. That's a long time in the vet hospital. You must have been so worried. :(
What does the xylitol do?
I can't remember if it was kidney or liver function that it affects. But it can lead to organ failure as I understand. They also were watching his blood sugar. I had no idea it was toxic either. The first time he ate it I called the vet just thinking it would not be good to have a bunch of sticky gum in his stomach. They told me how bad it is, I had no idea! They should tell you all this at your first puppy vet visit!
Thanks Heidi! We could all use the reminder! My furry babies have already started to figure out what Halloween is and have started begging for yummies. I am proud to say I have stood firm and given them doggie treats instead. :)
Carrie believe it or not Zeus (the lighter of the two, closer to me) is only 8 mths! He is a monster. And yes, all of my doggies are still puppies to me. :)
I can't remember if it was kidney or liver function that it affects. But it can lead to organ failure as I understand. They also were watching his blood sugar. I had no idea it was toxic either. The first time he ate it I called the vet just thinking it would not be good to have a bunch of sticky gum in his stomach. They told me how bad it is, I had no idea! They should tell you all this at your first puppy vet visit!

I had no idea. They should mention it, or give a list of things to watch out for. Ibuprofen is extremely toxic for dogs.
Also, bakers chocolate is extremely toxic. I'm so paranoid, I do not use it for baking. I don't want it in the house.
Xylitol toxicity is a strong promoter of insulin release in dogs (not in humans) and causes a profound low blood sugar which can cause collapse and seizures. It can also cause liver failure.

Signs you'd look for can be vague - vomiting/diarrhea, increased thirst/urination, lethargy, possibly jaundiced gums as well.

Does that help?

from your resident vet!:p

Ahh...Halloween is upon us! It's that time of year (like Easter and Valentine's Day) when we get the onslaught of not only calls about candy and pets, but doing fun things like...inducing a 75 lb. lab to vomit up 40 chocolate kisses (with wrappers, of course)!

I'm sure everyone knows about the dangers of chocolate, but also beware of xylitol toxicity. These are the new artificial sweeteners that became big during the "low carb" frenzy - it's in candy, candy bars, and gum too. It is very's a link to a poor little girl that lost her beloved puppy to xylitol toxicity. Very sad!

So, just giving everyone the heads up - watch them poochies and that candy.

I can't believe I didn't know about the dangers of artificial sweeteners and pets. Thanks for the tip, since I have kitties to worry about.

Ok, end of public service announcement and thank you for your time,:D


Thank you so much. I have cats and didn't know about the dangers of artificial sweeteners.

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