Frequency of core training?


Hi Cathe and thank you for an amazing series of workouts,

First of all, you rock!!

Is it effective to do core workouts every day? I did section 1 of CoreMax yesterday and today I did MuscleMax and the core section contained some of the same moves as CoreMax sec. 1, although there were some variations. Some of my core muscles were already fatigued from yesterday (and I can't do hip lifts, reverse curls or any other lower ab exercises due to lost muscle tone from 2 c-sections). I keep hoping that eventually those lower abs will fire. My upper and mid abs are strong. What about those lower abs and will working my core everyday and varying the exercises help out with this? If I can even train those lower ab muscles I know it will take a LONG time. Any input would be appreciated.

:) :)

"Don't forget to breathe!"
I just want to give words of encouragement. You will gain those muscles back adventually after 2 c-sections. I myself have had 2 c-sections. And I do ab work EVERYDAY. I am not saying that is what is recommended...but I love ab work so much. In fact....when I do core work everyday it helps my lower back strength. I don't have aches and pains like I use to. I don't know how long it has been since you have had your c-sections... My youngest is 5 years old and it took me a good 2 years before I had full muscle contraction after having him. So...give it time. Be patient...until then do what you can do as long as it doesn't hurt. I promise will gain that strength in your lower abs.


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