Freestyle Training/Lower Body


Hi Ladies,

Last night I did Step Blast and PUB Up only premix. Love those abs!

Tonight will be a run and PLB up only premix. I think the leg work will be about 30 minutes long.

My legs and butt are pretty sore from doing more running and L&G and LL back to back the beginning of the week. I think I will be ready for some more legs tonight though.

Have a great day ladies.

I bought some power ropes from power-systems, I am adding rope squats to my routine, they look like a really good one to get the glutes, if you want to see what they look like go to and click on home gym ..... Rhonda
Good Morning,

This morning was 20 minutes of abscore. I'm really liking the abs and core from SP&J (about 10 minutes). I then tacked on my beloved BC core work (about 10 minutes).

I haven't gotten on the scale but I'm wearing a pair of jeans today that I couldn't even get into a couple of months ago. Seems like my butt is smaller.

I'm off tomorrow, Sat and Sun so I'm going to adjust my rotation to get in at least a half hour of leg work in on each of those days.

We're celebrating my daughter's 29th birthday at our home on Sunday. I think I'll even eat a piece of Strawberry shortcake (a small one).

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi everyone.....Today I am going to do SS and KPC Conditioning Drills. I have decided to do that cardio on the days I have shorter, and endurance-style leg workouts, on my arm days. That way they will get some extra in a different form.

I still do not have the book, but I think I should by today or tomorrow.

ShopGirl- I hope you are feeling better!!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join you in your Lower Body rotation/challenge. This is probably the first time I've posted at Cathe's forum. I just happen to get "Lower Body Solution" by Laura Dayton on Tuesday, I won it on Ebay. I'm in the process of reading it and have just gotten to the actual plan of action. In the meantime while I'm figuring out what I need to do, I've been working my lower body every day this week, alternating between standing and floorwork.

My legs have been quite sore but this morning I noticed that they aren't feeling so bad so maybe they're getting used to being worked so consistently!

Today I plan to do PS Strong Legs & Abs (standing portion only), plus CTX Upper Body Split. I'm going to try and work my upper body about 3 times a week, for a sort of tank top type rotation.

I love reading how you're all doing, this type of training is really exciting! Oh and I only started getting back to really working out about 2 months ago but already my butt has shrunk!

Welcome, Heidi. The more the merrier! All of us except for Rhonda are novice's at Freestyle so we can learn this together. Congratulations on winning your book on ebay!

How are your knees holding up? I don't have bad knees but I don't want to get them either so I'm trying to ease in until they get used to being worked so much. I'm finding this rotation to be a lot of fun even though it's a lot of work.

Glad to have you aboard.
Rhonda, Let me know how you like using those ropes. In the early 90's I had a subscription to Via magazine. Each issue was on Freestyle training and featured that home gym and the lunge poles. I wondered how they would work compared to weight training.
Susan C.M.
Thanks Candi for the welcome! Yes I was quite excited when I won the book on ebay since it was the only one on there. I also have another book I got recently called "Toned Arms in Ten Days" by Matthew Grace. It title is sort of a gimmick but it's really about training your arms 5-6 days a week on a continual basis, doing different exercises every day, so it sounds to me like the same idea as the Lower Body Solution. I have yet to incorporate that into my rotation but I may try it soon.

As far as my knees go, I can feel teeny little twinges sometimes so I'm trying to be extra careful. I should make sure to do hamstring work since that strengthens your knees, but if it's not included in the workout I'm doing, then I forget to do it! Hopefully all this legwork will inadvertently strenghten our knees anyways!

Good morning ladies!

I am still trying to figure out what to do today. Was going to do L&G this morning, but was up with a sick basset hound all night (my fault, gave him some pizza) - so I slept in.

Thanks for the good wishes, Lori. I am feeling better, still nauseus, but okay as long as I don't eat. I'm back at work, and thinking about running on the treadmill at lunchtime. I am anxious to get back into this rotation and am hoping this time off won't set me too far back.

You girls are all doing wonderfully. Hope I can keep up.

Have a fab day!

- Shopgirl :)

Sorry about your dog and hope it's better today. Mine have iron tummies, thank goodness. Please try to take it easy today (although if it were me, I'd be pushing myself also).

This is just a little set back, you will definitely keep up!
Morning ;o)

Welcome Heidi, are you my internet friend Heidi from the Firm/Topica Forum? I’m Trese. You sent me the Sugar Buster Book. Anyways, glad you joined us. I’m really enjoying this style of work out. I'm going to order the book to.

Ladies didn’t think I could do it but I did. I did Cardio Kicks, right after MIS 3 sets each. Altho, while doing CK, I had to stop a few times for water breaks. However, I made it and then passed out :eek:)

Tonight, MIS Abs, Imax 2 and Floor Burn or Leaner Legs depending on how these ol legs feel after doing Imax.

Well, guys I’ve decided to order soon the P90X series. These will shake up things a bit. Okay, back to work I go, ttyl

Hey Teddygirl,

I'm going to order the P90X series as well. Always looking for the next challenge and these workouts look awesome!

CK after MIS, WOW! Congratulations.

It feels a little strange working out my legs before cardio but it's not so bad.
I used the power ropes for the first time this morning, I put 4 sets of 25 reps in my workout, those are tough, you use your arms to help pull yourself up, cause you squat down to where your butt is almost touching the floor,you at a backward slant, I am glad I got them, I bought the red ones R6........ Rhonda :7

I think this Freestyle rotation is going to be a good one too....
Hi Teddygirl, no I'm not that Heidi, but "hi" anyways!

I can't imagine doing Cardio Kicks right after MIS!! I'm impressed, even if you did pass out after!

Heidi H.
I thought about ordering the P90X series, but I just can not justify spending over 170.00 right now..... I will stick with what I have, its definately working for me....... Rhonda:7
Heidi, it was definitely a challenge for me to do Cardio Kicks, but, once I got into it, it was enjoyable. For me, it’s hard to do any form of Cardio after WT. I surprised myself sometimes. Tonight, I’m doing Imax first and then weights or floorwork. Mix things up a bit.

Candi, go for it, it you don’t like it after 30 days. You can get $$ back, I like that! I’m going to look for the Pull up station or something close to it at other sport stores, I don’t want to spend all that $$ for shipping.

Rhonda, girlfriend I know what you mean. $170.00 is a LOT, but 3 payments of $49 once a month, kind of helps to justify the cost, you know what I mean. One of the girls is going to send me the 15% coupon, when I get it I’ll let you guys know, if you decide to order. Every little bit helps, right.

Oh……one of girls here at my job asked me today, if I was losing weight :eek:) :eek:)

I wonder if the below information, posted on the forum on April 15, getting 15% off and 20% off still applies. That's 35% off. Still pricey but not as pricey.

"I've been following that discussion of P90X at VF with some interest, after watching each of the brief "behind the scenes" planning movies at I wasn't prepared to like this series at all, but I was curious, and me and my wallet are sad to report that the breadth and intensity of the series is pretty darned impressive. I am teetering and what's holding me back is the idea of taking Cathe out of some of my rotation for a while. I'm such a monogamist. To see the P90X movies, go to this link and look over on the right column to click on "Project P90X Behind the Scenes":

So anyhow -- here's where me being an enabler comes in -- I saw some interesting discount scoop at VF today, for those of you who are pondering a purchase.

Beachbody is currently selling P90X for 15% off. (I think this is good through this weekend.) The discount shows up after you put the product in your "Shopping Cart."

And THEN you can ALSO get an additional rebate off your purchase at one of a couple of rebate websites. Right now there's a 20% rebate on BeachBody purchases at or a 15% rebate at

Here's how you'd get both the 15% Beachbody discount and the rebate. (Editorial Note: I am paraphrasing here from an explanation at the FIRM Ya-Yas site, which I linked to through VF. Don't ask , just trust me -- I've done the homework here for ya. )

First, go to and place P90X in your shopping cart.

Second, immediately, in the SAME browser window, put in the web address and go to the rebate site of your choice. Sign up there for your free rebate account.

Third, look up at the top of the site's home page and you'll see a button that says "All Merchants" (at or "All Stores" (at Click on that button.

Fourth, go to the "B"s and find Beachbody. Click on the link to Beachbody's web page, and that page will open up again in your browser, but this time you'll see the banner for your selected rebate site still sitting across the top of your screen.

Fifth, now that you're back at the Beachbody site, click on "Shopping Cart" and your discounted purchase should still be in there.

Last, complete your purchase. You'll receive the 15% discount from Beachbody AND you'll receive your rebate."
Hi Ladies,

Sounds like everyone has been able to implement freestyle into our programs. This morning I did Bodymax including the upper body wt. section. Tonight will try to get in L&G and ctx kickbox cardio only.

Welcome Heidi-how wonderful to have won the book! Rhonda has been somewhat of our leader as she as been doing freestyle training since February with great results.

TeddyGirl-I love doing cardio kicks after MIS. I usually can do wts and cardio on the weekends since I have more time in the mornings then. I also find that doing kickboxing after leg wts helps me feel more stretched out and my legs don't feel so tight. I've even done MIC after MIS-that's a toughie.

Beverly-have you switched to doing wts before cardio? Just wondering if you noticed a difference in your running endurance after wts.

Shopgirl-don't push yourself too much. If your still feeling nauseous you probably shouldn't be running on a treadmill. Not trying to preach...just take care of yourself.

Rhonda-What does the freestyle book say about cardio training(how much, how long? As I've mentioned before-I really need to do cardio in the morning to get the blood flowin. I have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and if I don't start the day out with a bang-I'll feel crappy and lethargic all day.

Have a great day everyone.

Diana, the book just says we should follow our lower body training w/cardio at least 20 to 30 minutes. The book says that Freestyle Training also encourages production of noradrenaline. Noradrenaline is a bio-chemical that activates brown fat cells, a type of fat which burns calories rather than storing them. Noradrenaline is responsible for accelerating your metabolism, or the rate at which you burn calories, during and after a workout. Aerobics will also stimulate noradrenaline production but the intensity of weight training produces more of it, consequently you will burn more calories after a Freestyle workout than an aerobic workout.

This is why I said it would be great for those that don't have the book to get it, cause there is so much to be learned from it.

A little later, like later this evening I will share with you a few exercises for the butt and hips and lower abs that Sherry Gideons-Martin shared with me....... Rhonda:7

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