free shipping and handling?


Hopefully someone can answer my question. if you had placed an order for the new series but did not order any dvds at the same time can you still get the shipping free with an order placed now?

Thanks for your help.:+
Thats what I did also. I thought I was set till the new dvds but now I desperatly want hcextreme:(

Thansk for the responses I will have to grin and bear it!!!!!!!!!!!!;(
I would email SNM. If I recall correctly they still let you get the free shipping. You just have to tell them you pre-ordered and you need your order number (from the pre-sale) so they can confirm.

Again, email them to make sure, but I think they will still do it.

:) Nicole
You can still get free shipping -- I just did, after my pre-order! As Nicole stated, e-mail NAncy will tell you to put a note in the comment box.

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