Freddy Shoes


Hi all! For those of you who ended up getting the Freddy Hi Impact Pro Trainers. I'm not sure these were meant for stepping? They did a number on my calf muscle! It was pulled so bad it hurt to walk, and then when I went to switch shoes, it didn't hurt anymore. Maybe because they are sort of hi-tops and these are maybe not meant for stepping?

Maybe they're just meant for hi/low?

Does anyone know, or has anyone else had this problem?
Well I felt uncomfortable lunging and generally flexing and extending my ankle in them for the same reason. I am using them for strength training and walking, also wearing them to work. They are really comfortable to work in, so it wasn't a total loss.

But yes, I am sticking to my old KSwiss smooth soled low top white ones for stepping.

Right now I need a kick in the pants to go outside and walk, rollerblade or run. I have overstepped ;) !
Dani - So sorry to hear you don't like yours! I LOVE mine! I do notice that the heal is a bit different though. Maybe are you stepping back too far on your heal instead of just the ball of the foot when you come down from the step? I have gotten real good at using the balls of my feet when I am suppose to. I use to always come all the way down on the heal for lunges off the step etc. and had all kinds of knee and calf/shin problems. Now that I use the ball of my food it has gone away. I can see that the Freddy's would not very well support the full foot coming off the step very well.

Do you have the Pro Hi Impact trainers with the metal things that hold the shoe strings? Those are the ones I have.

Sorry about them not working for you. I am sure they will take them back without problems! Good luck!
Hi guys!

I was just wondering. It may just be the way I land when I'm stepping. I really noticed it when I used them during All Step. There are a ton of box lunges and ricochets in this one.

FitNut thanks for the tip about me maybe stepping back too far on my heal instead of just the ball of the foot. This may be what I'm doing. When I'm in the "heat of the moment" of the workout I don't even notice how I'm landing, I'm just doing it. Oh, and yes those are the one's I have...the Hi Impact Pro Trainers.

I do still like them and I will use them for hi/lo and strength training.

Wow, mine have plastic hooks that hold the laces, not metal.

I got the hi impact pro trainers in black. I don't really like the elastic that attaches the tongue to the sole. It's a tad bit too tight, and I feel it until I take the shoe off. I'n scared to just snip it, though. Maybe it will loosen up with time?

One thing I really love is the way they pivot on the toe so easily. I use that motion a lot at work when I have to take a lot of xrays. I'm always turning tail out of the room to expose the film.

Another great thing is how lightweight they are. Plenty of toe room too. They are noisier on my step than my other shoes, though.

Edited to add, to Danielle, yes, they are designed for step. From the description: "Built for your most intense workouts
including kickboxing, step and all
other forms of high impact cardio."

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